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重点句子 1.How can I help you??你怎么啦?/你哪里不舒服? 2.I feel ill. I\\\\\ve got a stomachache and my head hurts.我感觉生病了。胃痛,头也痛。(1)have (got)a stomachache胃痛(2)My head hurts.=I have (got)a headache.=I have a pain in my head.头痛 3.How long have you been like this??你像这样多久了?(1)like this像这样 (2)how long多久,句中动词应是延续性动词,如果是非延续性动词,就要转换成相对应的延续性动词形式。如,buy-have,borrow-keep,leave-be away(from)...How long have you kept this book?回答时常用since+点时间/时间点或者for+时间段/段时间。 4.Since Friday. I\\\\\ve been ill for about three days!自从周五。我已经生病三天了。(1)since 自从,用在现在完成时态中。后面接点时间/时间点或一般过去时态的句子。He has taught English since 1997./He has taught English since he left school./He has taught English since three years ago.=It is/has been three years since he taught English.=Three years has passed since he taught English.(2)for about three days三天,段时间/时间段,用于现在完成时态 5.Have you caught a cold?你感冒了吗?catch/have a cold 感冒 6.I don\\\\\t think so.我认为没有。 7.Let me take your temperature… Mm, there\\\\\s no fever.?让我给你量一下体温。嗯,不发烧。take one’s temperature 量体温 8.That\\\\\s why you\\\\\ve got a stomachache.那就是你为什么胃痛了。/那就是你胃痛的原因。That\\\\\s why...那就是为什么/......的原因That’s why he is late for school today. 9.Do you do any exercise??你锻炼身体吗?exercise 锻炼,(不可数)名词。do/take /get exercise锻炼;exercise操,(可数)名词。do eye exercises/do morning exercises做眼保健操/做早操;exercise练习,(可数)名词。They are doing maths exercises now. 10.I?haven\\\\\t done much exercise since I got my compute last year.?自从去年我买了电脑就没有锻炼过。since自从,用于现在完成时态。since句型:(1)主语+have/has+过去分词+since+时间点/点时间/一般过去时态的句子。He has worked in this factory since ten years ago/he left school.(2)It is/has been+since+一般过去时态的句子。It is has been ten years since he worked in this factory.(3)时间has passed+since+一般过去时态的句子。Ten years has passed since he worked in this factory. 11.You spend too much time in front of the computer.你在电脑前面花得时间太长。(1)spend 花费,人 spend 钱/时间on sth./doing sth.人花费时间/钱做某事She spent 50 yuan on/buying a book./He spent ten days reading a book.(2)take 花费It takes/took/has taken+某人+时间+to do sth.花费某人多长时间去做某事It took her three days


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