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论苹果手机在中国的营销策略 学生:华宇童 指导老师: 内容摘要:苹果手机正式在中国内地市场发售后,中国市场的销量占 了很重要的一部分,成了苹果手机的一个销售大国。在2012 年上半 年,苹果手机在中国的销售额就达到了 124 亿美元。在最新的 iphone6 上市后,销售额更是可观,这场“苹果热”的热潮还在持续下去。本 文通过介绍苹果手机及相关手关手机的市场状况,分析苹果手机的目 标市场选择和产品定位,指出主要竞争优势。然后对苹果公司营销渠 道进行分析,了解到其营销渠道的选择和营销对策。通过苹果手机在 中国营销策略的分析和总结,提出相关对策及建议。 关键词:苹果手机;中国市场;营销策略 On Apple's mobile phone in China marketing strategy Abstract: the apple mobile phone customer service China formally issued in the mainland market, China market sales accounted for a very important part, has become a big applemobile phone sales. In the first half of 2012, Apple's mobile phone sales in the China reached $12400000000. In the latest iphone6 after the listing, sales is considerable, the "apple" boom continues. This paper introduces the Apple phone and hands off the phone market, target market selection and product positioning analysis of Apple's phone, and point out the main competitive advantage. Then the Apple Corp marketing channels analysis, understanding andmarketing strategies to the marketing channel. Through the analysis and summary of Applemobile phone marketing strategy in China, and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions. Keywords: Apple mobile phone China; market;marketing strategy 论苹果手机在中国的营销策略 前言: 中国是苹果手机的销售大国之一。本文通过介绍苹果手机及相关手关 手机的市场状况,分析苹果手机的目标市场选择和产品定位,指出主 要竞争优势。然后对苹果公司营销渠道进行分析,了解到其营销渠道 的选择和营销对策。通过苹果手机在中国营销策略的分析和总结,为 苹果手机在中国的营销提出相关建议及策略。


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