新视野大学英语读写教程Unit 5.ppt

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for the night; suddenly only just to some degree change continually ? overnight ? barely ? somewhat ? fluctuate I. Old to New changeable small mistakes remove the cover from finally, at last be certain to do sth. ? variable ? slip ? uncover ? in the end ? be bound to do sth. 盥洗用品 备置充分的急救 用品 一套滑雪用具 提出新颖的论点 ? a lavatory/toilet kit ? a well -stocked first aid kit ? a skiing kit ? make an original point II. Chinese to English 上升趋势 认为 …… 理所当然 出于同情而帮助 某人 保住他的工作 ? an increasing tendency ? take … for granted ? help sb. out of pity ? hold down his job 全日制学生 兼职工作 以防,唯恐 嘲笑,取笑 一阵气愤 遗传变异性 ? a full -time student ? a part -time job ? for fear that ? make fun of ? a wave of anger ? genetic variability III . Word Using Key Translation 1. spoil 那独生女孩被宠坏了——父母对她是有求必应。 That only girl is terribly spoiled — her parents give her everything she asks for. vt. ① harm the character of (esp. a child) 1. spoil vt. ② make sth useless,valueless or unsatisfactory; ruin Key The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village. 新修的路彻底毁掉了那个村庄。 Translation 1. spoil Key Translation 如果你不把蛋糕放进冰箱,它就会变质。 If you dont keep it in the fridge, the cake will spoil. vi. ③ (of food, etc) become bad or unfit to be used, eaten, etc. Key 老师给我们每个人都分配了假日的任务。 The teacher has assigned a holiday task to each of us. 2. assign Translation vt. ① ~ sth to sb: give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be used 2. assign vt. ② ~ sb to (do) sth: name sb for task or position; appoint sb Key 其中的一个成员被指定作记录。 One of the members was assigned to take the minutes. Translation Key 我们把每周例会定在星期四好吗? Shall we assign Thursdays for our weekly meetings? 2. assign vt.


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