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Lesson 35 justice was done ? justice n. 正义,公正;司法 ? -Justice is done. ? 正义得到伸张。 ? do oneself justice ? 公正对待自己 ? do justice to sb ? 公正对待某人 ? give oneself up to justice ? 自首 ? the ministry of justice ? 司法部 ? injustice ? 不公平,不公正( =unfair ) ? Justice has long arms. ? 天网恢恢,疏而不漏 court n. 法院 The Supreme Court 最高法院 judge 法官 球场 a tennis court /squash court /badminton court ? plaintiff 原告 ? defendant 被告 counsel 辩护律师 jury 陪审团 judgment 判决书 law n. 法律 lawyer 律师 ? 1.be associated with= ? Be connected with= ? Be related to ? We might say that justice has been done when a mans innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt . ? beyond 超出某种范围,限度,主要跟名 词搭配 ? beyond doubt 毋庸置疑 ? beyond belief 难以相信 ? beyond words/description ? 难以形容 / 描述 ? beyond hope 没有希望 ? beyond comparison ? 无与伦比 ? beyond understanding 难以理解 ? -It is beyond my understanding = ? It is beyond me. ? innocence n. 无辜 ? 反义词: ? guilt 罪行 ? in innocence 无辜地,清白地 ? innocent adj. 无辜的 ? Those who seek it, undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it. ? undertake to do sth. 开始做 ? He undertook to inform everyone concerned. ? 他承担调查工作。 ? We undertake an investigation. ? start to do sth./ set out to do sth./ ? set about doing/ ? -I set out to prepare for my TOFLE exam. ? arduous adj. 艰苦的,艰难的 ? 学英语是一件辛苦的事吗? ? Is studying English an arduous job? ? ( L7 ) T here are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract conception. ? There are rare instances when + 从句 ? 在极少数情况下(写作) ? 在极少情况下,妇女与男子不平等。 ? -There are rare instances when women are not equal to men. ? 在黄石我们极少能看到彩虹。 ? -There are rare instances when we can see the rainbow in Huangshi. 曾有一段时间 …… There was a time when… 停止 ? abstract adj. 抽象的 ? an abstract concept 抽象的概念 ? 反义词 : ? concrete 具体的 ? n. 摘要,提要 v. 提取 ? make an abstract of 做 ... 的摘要 ? -He abstracted the main points from the lecture. ? - 他把演讲的主要论点做了摘要。 ? concept n. 概念 ? 新概念英语 ? New Concept English ( NCE )


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