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Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue 口误 单词学习 ? slip ? comedy ? present ? queue ? dull ? artiste ? advertiser ? disappointed ? obviously ? nervous ? awkwardly ? n. 小错误 ? n. 喜剧 ? v. 演出; adj. 出席,到场的 ? v. 排队 ? adj. 枯燥,无味 ? n. 艺人 ? n. 报幕员 ? adj. 失望的 ? adv. 明显地 ? adj. 紧张的 ? adv. 尴尬地 ? Slip ( 1 ) n. 小错误 ? make a slip 失误 , 犯小错误、说漏嘴 ? 例句: Youve made some slips in your report. 你的报告 里有些小错误。 ? ( 2 ) v. 滑、滑倒 ? 例句: 1 ) The hammer slipped , and he hurt his finger. 锤子滑掉了,他弄伤了他的手指。 ? 2 ) I slipped on the icy road and broke right leg . 我滑倒 在结冰的路上,摔断右腿。 ? ( 3 ) v. 遗忘、忽略 ? slip ones mind 忘掉了 ? 例句: His name has slipped from my mind. 我想不起他 的名字 了。 ? 1. People will do anything to see a free show -- even if it is a bad one. ? to see a free show 表示目的,也可以用 for + 名 词形式: ? 例句: He will do anything to save his childs life. 他会不顾一切的挽救孩子的生命。 ? even if 即使,虽然 ? 例句: Even if he is fat, you shouldnt laugh at him. 虽然他很胖,但你不应该嘲笑他。 ? 2. When the news got round that a comedy show would be presented at our local cinema by the P. and U. Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it. ? get round 不胫而走、传遍 ? 例句: The news got round of the school. 这一 消息 传遍了整个学校。 ? rush to / into 仓促行动、冒冒失失地做某事 ? 例句: 1 ) Dont rush to conclusions. 不要急于 下结论。 ? 2 ) She rushed into the room . 她冲进了房间。 ? comedy n. 喜剧 ? ←→ tragedy 悲剧 ? a musical comedy 音乐喜剧 ? 例句: He doesnt like comedy. 他不喜欢喜剧。 ? comedian n. 喜剧演员 ? 3. We had to queue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present just before the show began. ? queue ( 1 ) n. 队伍 row ? 例句: There was a long queue outside the cinema. 电影院门外已经排成了长队 . ? join the queue 加入等候的队伍 ? jump the queue 不按次序排队,插队 ? ( 2 ) v. 排队 ? 你在公车站 等公共汽车时必须排队 ? You have to queue up at the bus stop for the bus. ? must have done 对过去事情的肯定判断 ? 例句: I enjoyed the performance because I had a very good seat in the fifth row. 我可以好好欣 赏表演,因为在第五排的座位很好。 ? present ? ( 1 ) v. 提出、引起 ? present ones views 发表意见 ? ( 2 ) adj. 出席,到场的 ? ←→ absen


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