新概念英语1 105 106课.ppt

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Lesson 105 Full of mistakes clever stupid Could he answer all the questions? Yes, he could. He was clever enough to answer them . No. he couldn t. He was too stupid to answer them. answer all the questions ? buy the ca r cheap expensive Could he buy the blue/the red car? Yes, he could, It was cheap enough for him to buy . No. he couldn t. It was too expensive for him to buy. ? Could they hear the stereo? ? Yes, they could. ? Because they were loud enough for them to hear. ? No, they couldn t. ? Because they were too low for them to hear. hear the stereo loud low eat the orange sweet sour ? New words and expressions ? spell v. 拼写 spelt-spelt ? 你的名字是怎么拼写的? ? How do you spell your name? ? 这个词怎么拼? ? How to spell the word? ? intelligent [intelid??nt] ? adj. 聪明的,有智慧的 ? 这女孩看起来是聪明伶俐。 ? The girl looks intelligent. ? intelligence n. 智力 ? IQ = intelligence quotient ? mistake ? 1) n. 错误 ? 拼写错误 ? a spelling mistake ? make a mistake 做错,犯错 犯错很容易。 Its easy to make a mistake. ? 2 ) mistake – mis took – mis taken ? v. 误解,弄错,误会 ? 弄错日期 ? mistake the date ? understand 理解 - mis+understand 误解 ? mistake …… for…… ? 我把那根棒子错看成蛇了。 ? I mistook the stick for a snake. 辨析 ? mistake 比较一般的错误,认识不足 ? She always makes some mistakes in her homework. ? fault 侧重于责任 ? Its my fault. ? present ? 1) n. [ prez?nt] 礼物 ? --present 指礼物的一般性用语 ? --gift 是稍正式的说法 ? 2 ) adj. [prez?nt] 出席的 ? 反意词 absent ? 很多学生出席那会议。 ? A lot of students were present at the meeting. 3) v. [prizent] 赠送,呈献,奉送 ? 把 … 赠送给某人 ? present sth to sb = present sb with sth ? 他把他所有的书都送给了我。 ? He presented all his books to me. ? dictionary n. 词典 ? 英汉词典 ? an English – Chinese dictionary ? 我在词典中查找单词 ? I looked up the word in the dictionary. ? a walking dictionary ? 活字典,知识广博的人 课文讲解 Wheres Sandra, Bob? I want her. I w


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