民航乘务员与安全员专业英语 Checking before Landing Unit 9 Landing Topic 1 Check before landing.pptx

民航乘务员与安全员专业英语 Checking before Landing Unit 9 Landing Topic 1 Check before landing.pptx

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CABINATTENDANTSPECIALTY空中乘务专业教学资源库Unit 9 LandingTopic 1 Check before landing Language Focus 客舱安全是飞行安全的重要保障,对整个飞行安全起着至关重要的作用。确保客舱安全是乘务员的第一职责。规范的安全检查是每个航班正常运行的生命线。作为乘务员,飞机降落前20分钟,要进行客舱安全检查。除了确认每位旅客是否系好安全带、打开遮光板、调直座椅靠背、收起下桌板和脚垫以外,还要确认机舱内设备的安全,如行李箱是否扣紧,帘子是否拉开系紧等。 DialoguesDialogue OneCA: Excuse me, madam. The captain has turned on the “Fasten Your Seat Belt” sign and made an announcement. Would you please fasten your seatbelt and draw back the sunshade?PAX: Oh, I’m really sorry. I was reading my book and I didn’t hear the announcement. I thought it would be ages before we have to land.CA: No, we will be landing shortly. The plane is early because we have had a strong tailwind.PAX: Good. Thanks. I hope my husband will be there on time to meet me.CA: He will.Dialogue TwoPS: Good morning, everyone, may I have your attention please? Shall we begin our preflight briefing? CAs: Yes. PS: Well, I’m the purser of today’s flight. Nice to fly with you, now I’d like to check your preparation for this flight. Shirley, how about our destination today? CA1: We are bound for Singapore on a Airbus330, the flight number is CA969. PS: Ok. Ada, how about our flying time? CA2: The departure time is 15:30, while the arrival time is 21:50. And the whole flying time is about 6 hours and 20 minutes.Dialogue ThreeCA: Excuse me, madam. I’m afraid that you have to go back to your seat and fasten your seatbelt since the plane is landing soon.PAX: I know the plane is landing, but I have to go to the lavatory first.CA: I’m sorry to tell you that for the safety, the lavatories have to be closed before landing. Have you notice the light is on?PAX: Yes, so?CA: That means the use of lavatories has been suspended. Please refrain from using it until the plane lands and comes to a complete stop.PAX: Oh, I see. Thank you for reminding me.Dialogue FourCA: Would you please switch your laptop computer off, sir? The plane is descending and is going to land in a few minutes.PAX: I still have some work to do. I


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