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气体到粒子的转化 1,由可凝气体产生粒子 (新相态形成是有条件的) 2,气体凝结在已有的粒子上 Gas to Particle (GTP) 超细 10 um 1 um 0.1 um 硫酸盐 硝酸盐 氨 碳黑 重金属 有机物 粗 细 土壤 尘 硅 盐 花粉 轮胎橡胶 2.5 um 颗粒物细粒子污染 颗粒物粒径与成分 沉积在呼吸道中的粒子作为粒径函数 颗粒物健康效应 4)大气化学模式 Regional air-quality model (WRF-Chem) (1) Meteorology: On-line calculated from the WRF model (2) Chemistry RADM-2 chemistry with TUV for photolysis (40 species, 135 reactions) (3) Aerosols Black carbon, sulfate, organic carbon, and nitrate (4) Other processes Advection, Convection, Boundary Layer Diffusion, Dry deposition Surface Emissions (Inventory from Mexico city) (5) Advantages: The fine temporal resolution of dynamics is consistent with the chemical calculation and easy to change resolution. The model is fully parallelized. The model is also easily portable to different regions. CUACE/Haze-Fog 雾霾预报系统 CMA Unified Atmospheric Chemistry Environment 中国气象局环境气象模式CUACE * Feedback Radiation, Cloud Gas Phase Chemistry Aerosol Module ISORROPIA Aerosol Equilibrium Data Assimilation 环境数值预报模式 现状 CUACE * PM10 can also be divided into several size fractions. Coarse particles are between 2.5 and 10 microns in diameter; fine particles in the 0.1 to 2.5 micron range; and particles less than 0.1 micron in diameter are referred to as ultrafine particles. [These are freshly emitted from combustion sources. They have almost no mass, but the absolute number of particles in this size category is very large. This represents a new and growing area of research.] Adverse health effects have been associated with all inhalable particles, PM10, as well as the PM2.5 and ultrafine sub-fractions of PM10. * 大气气溶胶 1)大气气溶胶的尺度及其浓度分布 2)气溶胶粒子的化学组分及其来源的估计 3)大气气溶胶的生成过程 4)大气化学模式 1)大气气溶胶的尺度及其浓度分布 何谓气溶胶? AEROSOL AERO SOL 一种胶体状态,以大气为介质,其中悬浮了固态和液态的粒子。 大气气溶胶指混合状态的总体也指粒子。 气溶胶——气体中悬浮的微小的液体或固体粒子 细粒子 (2.5 μ


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