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额窦 位于额骨的内板和外板之间,经鼻额管引流至额隐窝。 外壁:额骨外板,含骨髓; 内壁:额骨内板,较薄; 下壁:眶顶壁。 蝶窦 居蝶骨内,分鞍型、鞍前型和甲介型; 外侧壁:与颅中窝、海绵窦、颈内动脉、视神经管毗邻; 顶壁:蝶鞍; 前壁:参与构成鼻腔顶的后段和筛窦的后壁; 后壁;毗邻枕骨斜坡; 下壁:后壁孔上缘及鼻咽顶壁。 鼻的生理学 鼻腔生理学:通气、过滤、清洁、加温、加湿、共鸣、反射、嗅觉。其它重要生物学功能。 鼻窦生理学:细胞分泌、共鸣功能;减轻重量、维持平衡。 Lateral wall of nasal cavity , covered with mucosa The nasal septal carrtilage anteriorly; Posteriorly, mainly the vomer and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone; Small contributions by the nasal bones where they meet in the medline; Nasal spine of frontal bone; Contributions by the crest of the maxillary and and palatine bones; rostrum of the sphenoid bones, and incisor crest of the maxilla * The roof of nasal cavity is narrow and is highest in central regions where is formed by cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone; Anterior to the cribriform plate the roof slopes inferiorly to the nares and is formed by: ① the nasal spine of frontal bones and nasal bones ② the lateral process of septal cartilage and major alar cartilage of the external nose. Posteriorly, the roof of each cavity slopes inferiorly to the choana and is formed by: ① the anterior surface of sphenoid bone; ② the alar of the vomer and adjacent aphenoidal process of the palatine bone; ③ vaginal process of the medial plate of the pterygoid process It consist of: soft tissues of the external nose; palatine process of the maxilla , and horizotal plate of palatine bone, which together form the hard palate. * a. Anterior view b. posteroanterior skull radiograph * Lateral wall of nasal cavity , covered with mucosa * a. Anterior view b. posteroanterior skull radiograph 鼻腔血管 颈外动脉:上颌内动脉——蝶腭动脉 ——眶下动脉 ——腭大动脉 颈内动脉:眼动脉——筛前动脉 ——筛后动脉 鼻腔内侧壁 鼻中隔支架: 利特尔氏区 鼻腔顶壁 构成:鼻骨、额骨鼻突、筛骨水平板、蝶窦前 壁。 筛骨水平板菲薄而脆。 鼻腔下壁 由上颌骨腭突及腭骨水平部构成。 籍此壁与口腔相隔。 鼻腔粘膜分区 嗅区: 呼吸区: 嗅区粘膜: 假复层无纤毛柱状上皮,由支持细胞、基底细胞和嗅感觉细胞构成。 区域:鼻腔顶中部至鼻中隔上部及鼻腔外侧壁上部。 呼吸区: 鼻腔前1/3:鳞状上皮、移行上皮和假复层柱状上皮。 后2/3:假复层纤毛柱状上皮(由纤毛细胞、柱状细胞、杯状细胞和基底细胞组成)。 鼻窦 上颌窦、筛窦、额窦和蝶窦。 位于面颅骨中的含气空腔,开口于鼻腔。 各窦的形态、大小及位置。 各窦与眼眶、颅底的


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