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介入放射学;内科历史;疮;现代外科学——19世纪40年代;;Seldinger技术的出现;插管技术: Seldinger技术;介入放射学;介入放射学定义;请同学们举例用介入放射学方法诊治疾病的例子;Former President Bill Clinton underwent a successful heart procedure on Thursday at the Columbia campus of New York Presbyterian Hospital. Clinton was treated for symptoms of chest discomfort that he had experienced over the past several days, according to his cardiologist, Dr. Allan Schwartz. After undergoing a battery of tests, Clinton received two stents in a coronary artery. The low-risk procedure involved inserting small metal mesh tubes into the artery to prop it open. The stents will remain within the artery permanently as scaffolding, allowing the vessel to stay open and accommodate blood flow. ;Aug 6, 2013 9:43am President George W. Bush successfully underwent heart surgery this morning to open a blocked artery, his office said in a statement. The surgery followed Bush’s annual physical exam in Dallas Monday when doctors found the blockage. A stent, which is a tube that is placed in the artery to keep it open, was placed this morning at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital without complications. ABC News’ Ann Compton contributed to this report.? /blogs/politics/2013/08/george-w-bush-undergoes-heart-surgery/;外科医生治病 ;介入医生用什么手段诊治疾病?;DSA,digital subtraction angiography;;超声;影像引导设备;?=;(血管穿刺)针;(导)管;;血管栓塞术 血管再通术 管腔扩张术 肿瘤消融术;介入诊断:组织穿刺活检;血管栓塞术 血管再通术 管腔扩张术 肿瘤消融术;介入诊断:血管造影诊断;肝癌DSA造影诊断;血管再通术 血管栓塞术 管腔扩张术 肿瘤消融术;冠状动脉狭窄支架再通术;肾动脉狭窄——球囊扩张术;血管再通术 血管栓塞术 管腔扩张术 肿瘤消融术;栓塞剂 (堵);颅内动脉瘤栓堵治疗;肝癌经肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE);子宫肌瘤栓塞治疗 Uterine fibroid embolization,UFE;血管再通术 血管栓塞术 管腔扩张术 肿瘤消融术;贲门失迟缓症;恶性梗阻性黄疸,经皮穿刺胆道支架植入术;血管再通术 血管栓塞术 管腔扩张术 肿瘤消融术;通、扩 栓 堵 灌 注 冷、热;血管栓塞术 血管再通术 管腔扩张术 肿瘤消融术;通电加热:肿瘤射频消融治疗 Radiofrequency Ablation,RFA;右肺癌;低温冷冻:肿瘤氩氦冷冻消融治疗;右肺癌经支气管动脉灌注治疗;介入放射学的特点;介入放射学的分类;预祝同学们考出好成绩!;guyk@


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