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2016年秋学期海南省海口二中高三英语专项复习一一语 法填空之纯空格填词 Teach ing Plan for Revisi on of Grammatical Filli ng Bla nks without Give n Words 教学内容:语法填空中纯空格填词 课 型:复习课 教学对象:海南华侨中学高三年级学生 授课时长:40分钟 授课教师:符玉丽 教学设计意图及处理: 旨在让学生熟悉和掌握语法填空基本常见的考点,复习分为两个课时,本课为第一课时 ――复习纯空格的填词,第二节课侧重复习给词空的填词,最后综合进行篇章的练习。 本课以学生接下来的复习生活为贯穿这节课的主线: 1.上课的复习:观察语法填空中纯 空格的填词,把握基本的方向; 2.课后大量的作业:通过句子练习,运用和感受常见考点; 较为频繁的考试:小组命题,进一步明确考点。 Teach ing aims : After the less on, stude nts will be able to Kno wledge objectives to review the use of com mon fun ctio n words, e.g. articles, pronouns, prepositi ons, conjun cti ons; Skill objectives to be clear about the test pointswhat tofill in the bla nks without give n words to apply the basic rulesto quickly locate the words to fill in Emoti onal objectives to facilitate a proper attitude towards the busy and tough life in Senior 3. Importa nt and difficult points to an alyze the basic rules for the bla nks without give n words; to apply the basic rules to use. Teachi ng and lear ning method : conten t-based approach Teachi ng aids : multimedia devices ; ppt slides Teach ing procedures Time Steps Teacher and stude nts in teract ion Purpose 1. Students briefly summarize the life in the following days fully Make occupied with less ons, homework and exams. clear 3 2. Teacher emphasizes: we have lessons to review, homework to use, exams what to do Lead-i n Mi ns to check. It is the same with today s less on review, use, and check in this what to fill in the blanks without given words in grammatical filling. lesson 10 blanks to fill in , 6-7 blanks with words given and 3-4 without given and at the words What to fill in? (the com mon on es) articles, pronouns, prepositi ons, conjunctions, sentence patter ns Lead in: To be exact, what are the words? same time, serve the emoti onal goal of this less on.Observe and discuss ! same time, serve the emoti onal goal of this less on. 7 Mins Have less ons to review: observe and con clude the basic rules Stude nts observe the follow ing sentences with


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