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PAGE PAGE 4 英文经典名篇名段背诵 格式: 简短的导读语 宋体 小五 英文短文 Arial 五号 短文出处 生词的音标、英文意思、中文意思 小五 作者英文简介(100字左右)、中文简介(50字左右)、作者照片 斜体 短文译文 五号 译者 目录 Essays散文, 小品文, 随笔, 评论 Youth(Samuel Ullman)青春 /2 Life is a Chess-board (Thomas Henry Huxley) 人生是一盘棋 /6 I have as much soul as you(Charlotte Bronte)我的心灵一样丰富 /8 Equality and Greatness (George Bernard Shaw) 平等与伟大 Best of times(Charles Dickens)最好的时代 Great Expectations(Charles Dickens)远大前程 Of Studies (Francis Bacon) 论读书 Three Passions (Bertrand Russell) 三种激情 Frankness (Robert E. Lee) 诚实 Three Periods of My Youth (John Woolman) 年轻时代的三个阶段 Love Your Life (Henry David Thoreau) 热爱生活 Three Days to See (Helen Keller) 给我三天光明 The Study of Words (Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis) 学习词汇的重要性 ….. Speeches 演讲 The Gettysburg Address (Abraham Lincoln) 哥德斯堡演说 Inauguration Address (John F. Kennedy, J.) 肯尼迪就职演说 As You Like It (William Shakespeare) Address at Gettysburg (Abraham Lincoln) The Tribute (Earl Spencer) A Speech at the Welcome Ceremony in Xi’an (Bill Clinton) Speech to the Nation on Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy (George W. Bush) Poems 诗歌 A Red, Red Rose (Robert Burns) 一朵红红的玫瑰 O Captain! My Captain (Walter Whitman) 哦,船长!我的船长! Hope Is the Thing with Feathers (Emily Dickinson) Sonnet 18 (William Shakespeare) Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Robert Frost) Movies Miscellaneous电影脚本及其他 A Selection from Mr.Holland’s Opus A Selection from Scent of a Woman The Script of Teachers Are People Essays 散文, 小品文, 随笔, 评论 Youth(Samuel Ullman)青春 许多世界名人将这篇短文随身携带,以至于皱折不堪。为什么?因为它教我们如何美好的生活。20世纪初塞缪尔·厄尔曼写的这篇不足500字的短文《青春》一直为世人倾倒,过了这么多年它的魅力依旧。 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty


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