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绪 论 Introduction 医学研究生的临床病理学 Clinical Pathology for medical postgraduates The goal of our post-graduate program:  How to go from comprehensive and sophisticate clinical pathological problem to simply and logical scientific protocol. 如何从复杂的临床病理问题到 简单的符合逻辑的研究思路  How to go from bench to bed, again back to bench, finally to bed. [B to B]n 以研究范例说明 转化医学 (Translational Medicine) 现代临床病理学的研究生课程的特点: The course service for  兼顾各学科的研究生科研工作的要求 For students from varied disciplines (1)临床学科( Clinical disciplines) 外科专业( the disciplines of Surgery ) 内科专业( the discipline of internal medicine) 妇产科、儿科学、眼科、五官科等(the disciplines of Obstetrics and Gynecology , pediatrics, ophthalnology, ENT et al) (2)基础学科各学科( Clinical disciplines) 基础医学(basic medicines)、生物学类(biology)、药学类(pharmaceutical science)、生物医学类(bio- medicine)等  兼顾硕士(Master degree)、博士(M.D., Ph.D.)水平的讲课要求 兼顾不同学位类型:专业学位(for clinical degree )和科学学位(for scientific degree)  兼顾新生和老生、应届生和历届生以及留学生的要求 (for freshmen and senior; graduates and postgraduates; international students, et al) 弄清两个基本问题 What is Pathology and Clinical Pathology? What is Pathology? Pathos, logos, Patho- -logy Bio- -logy Pathologic biology What is Clinical Pathology? What is Modern Clinical Pathology?  为什么各学科的导师让学生选临床病理 学?  为什么不少研究生喜欢选临床病理学? Pathology: A discipline on the etiology, gross and microscopic features, pathogenesis and its results of diseases Definition as Classical Pathology  Bridging  identifying alteration of the gross or microscopic morphology of cell and tissue to render diagnosis an


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