人教版小学英语五年级unit 5第一课时的教学设计.doc

人教版小学英语五年级unit 5第一课时的教学设计.doc

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人教版小学英语五年级unit 5第一课时的教学设计 ? 一、教材内容 本课选自人教社小学英语五年级上册unit 5 my new room。 二、教学目标 1、知识技能目标 (1) 能听说读写四会词: end table, trash bin, air-conditioner, closet, mirror, curtain. (2) 会在情景中运用句型: is this your …? in my room i have …. 2、情感文化目标 培养爱家,爱清洁的良好习惯,培养学生的团结、合作意识。 三、教学重点、难点: 1、重点是掌握let’s learn 部分的六个四会单词,并能进行简单问答、介绍。 2、难点为单词air-conditioner 的发音。 四、教学准备 1、多媒体课件。2、录音机、磁带。3、六张物品图片。 五、教学步骤 step 1? warm-up make greetings with students. how are you? good morning…… step 2? lead-in 1、listen and do some actions. show me your pen. show me your ruler…… 2、师拿出一张房间图片,引出问题:what can you see in the room? 复习句型:i can see …. step 3? presentation 1、t: i have got a new room. would you like to visit it? t: ok. let’s go. 课件出示 “my new room”. t: what can you see in my room? ss will talk about the room freely. t: look, this is my mirror. show the card and paste it. 引出单词mirror, ss read it by whole class, by groups, and then one by one. (the same to teach other new words: trash bin, end table, air-conditioner, curtain and closet.) 2、let’s play:单词抢答。哪位学生抢答得快,就将卡片奖励给那位学生。 3、learn:is this your room?yes, it is. come and look at my new curtains.运用其他物体替换操练这个句型。 step 4? activities 1、let’s play: (chain work) a: in my room i have a trash bin. b: in my room i have a trash bin and a mirror. ?c: in my room i have a trash bin, a mirror and an end table. 让多位学生运用这个句型说说自己房间里有什么物品家具。 2、make your own chant: t: in my room, in my room, i have a mirror in my room. (给学生一些单词,让学生4—6人一组创编自己的chant,并有节奏拍手表演唱。) words: (tv, bed, computer, mirror, chair, pencil, bag, lamp and so on.) 鼓励学生创编,例如: on my bed, on my bed, i have … on my bed. in my closet, in my closet, i have … in my closet. step 5? consolidation make the summary. homework 1? copy the words five times. 2? 向家人介绍房间,教父母说单词和句子. 【板书设计】 unit 5? my new room? a let’s learn mirror?????????? ?trash bin??? ???????closet curtain?????????? end table???????? air-conditioner is this your …? ??? ?in my room i have ….



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