员工评估指南 Emplyee perfrmane Appraisal Rating Criteria .doc

员工评估指南 Emplyee perfrmane Appraisal Rating Criteria .doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 附表二 Form 2 attached 员工评估指南 Employee performance Appraisal Rating Criteria (用于有督导责任之员工 For Supervisory Staff) 4 优 Excellent 3 良 Good 2 尚可 Satisfactory 1 欠佳 Poor 1、出勤记录 以下之出勤标准基于一年之期限,请按实际评估期之长短比例作考虑及计算 Attendance is calculated based on a one year period. Please pro-rate according to the length of actual appraisal period 无缺勤记录及迟到早退。 Never absence or being late for work or leave earlier than work schedule. 缺勤少于三天或迟到早退三次以内。 Absence for less than 3 days or late for work or leave earlier than work schedule less than 3 times. 缺勤三天或迟到早退4-6次。 Absence for 3 days or late for work or leave earlier than work schedule 4-6 times. 缺勤多于三天或迟到早退6次以上。 Absence for more than 3 days or late for work or leave earlier than work schedule more than 6 times. 2、个人仪表 Personal Appearance 给人留下良好的深刻印象;一贯注意修饰,精神饱满,仪表端庄、友善。 Makes an impact. Always well groomed, energetic, elegant and friendly. 注意仪表和卫生;一贯保持微笑,精神饱满。 Careful about personal grooming and hygiene. Always smiling and energetic. 需要不时提醒,才能保持整齐清洁及良好的精神面貌。 Frequently needs to be reminded to smarten up. 虽经多次提醒,仍然不清洁整齐。 Sloppy and untidy despite several reminders. 3、遵守制度及程序Adherence to Policy and Procedures 一贯理解公司和部门最新的规章制度、程序;一直确保自己及员工从未违反这些规章制度与程序。 Always up to date and understands the company and departmental PP, rules and regulations. Never fails to ensure that self and staff abide to them. 总体理解公司和部门的最新规章制度、程序;在确保自己及员工遵守这些规章制度与程序时,很少有差错。 Generally up to date and understands the company and departmental PP, rules and regulations. Seldom fails to ensure that self and staff abide to them. 基本理解公司和部门的规章制度、程序;在确保自己及员工遵守这些规章制度与程序时,不时出差错。 Basically understands the company and departmental PP, rules and regulations. Occasionally fails to ensure that self and staff abide to them. 缺乏对公司和部门规章制度、程序的理解;在确保自己及员工遵守这些规章制度与程序时,经常出差错。 Lacks understanding of the company and departmental PP, rules and regulations. Frequently fails to ensure that self and staff abide to them. 4、工作表现 Work Performance 一贯带领团队按时及高质量地完成工作;对公司有很强的责任感;不断提出改进工


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