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高一英语必修一词汇讲解 Unit 2 1.more than one kind of English 短 中 more than 与数 用,意思是“超 ,多于” ,相当于 over. 【要点】 more than one+n. 意 “不止一个” , 在 上 复数,但作主 , 用 数 形式。 More than one house was burnt down in the fire. 不止一 房屋在火灾中被 。 More than one person has a good grasp of English in the school. 在 所学校里不止一个人精 通英 。 more than 可与名 、形容 、副 、 、 名 或分 用,意 “不只是, 止”等。 Both of them are much more than schoolmates . They are close friends. 他 不止是同学, 更是知心朋友。 【辨析】 no more than 与 not more than 含 例 句 Tom is no more diligent than Jack. 姆 no more than 和??一 不(两者都否定) 和杰克都不勤 。 Tom is not more diligent than Jack. not more than 不如??(前者不如后者) 姆不如杰克勤 。 2.come up 走近;上来;提出;露出地面, 芽 The sun has come up. 太阳升起来了。 The seeds haven ’ t come up yet. 种子 没有 芽。 The question hasn ’t come up yet. 尚未被提出。 He came up to me and said sorry. 他走近我并道了歉。 【要点】 come up 作“提出” ,由被提出的物作主 ,无被 形式;而 come up with 指人提 出 等,用人作主 。 come up 作“ 生,出 ” ,多用于事物作主 ;以人作主 表示“出 ,到 ” ,常用 turn up. 【 拓展】 例 句 行, 表 , 出版; 果, The dictionary will soon come out. 本 典不久就 come out 束;出来, 会出版。 come about How did it come about that the man was fired 那个 出 , 生 人被解雇了,是怎么回事 come down 承;落下; I hope house prices can come down.我希望房价下跌。 come along 到来,出 ; 行;生 , He went to Paris whenever the chance came along. 一 去;赶 他一有机会就去巴黎。 come to When he came to, he found himself in hospital. 当 来到;达到;醒来 他醒来的 候,他 自己在医院里。 Severalof the members have come up with suggestions of their own. 有几位成 提出了自己的 想出;提出; 法拿出 (所 come up with 建 。 需 款) If you can come up with 3000 yuan , I ’ ll sell it. 如果你能拿出 3000 元,我就 了它。 number of 多,大量的, 复数 the number of ??的数量, 数 Quite a number of young people believe that money is a passport to happiness. 相当多的年 人 金 是幸福的保 。 The number of graduates has increased over these years. 近年来 生的数量大幅上升。 4.present adj. 在的,当前的(常作前置定 ) ;出席的,到 的(常作后置定 ) ; n. 礼物; 在 v. 送;介 ;呈 ;授予 He doesn ’ t know how to deal with the present situation. 他不知道怎 当前的局 。 The people present at the meeting are advanced workers. 出席会 的人都是先 工作者。 John was presented with his


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