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雅思考试阅读材料整理:高考考生人数连续下降4年 要考好雅思的阅读部分,肯定需要多加练习。为了方便大家备考,下面小编给大家带来雅思考试阅读材料整理。 雅思考试阅读材料整理:高考考生人数连续下降4年 中国一年一度的高考又开始,投考大学的高中生人数较往年下降,高考人数连续第四年下降。 Applications for college admission dropped for four consecutive years in China as fewer high school students seek higher learning. Some 9.15 million students have registered to take the annual national college entrance exams on Thursday and Friday, 1.35 million fewer than in 20XX, which represents the fourth straight year of decreased registration. The shrinking number of applicants for higher learning is a result of decreased high school student population as well as a growing interest in studying abroad for college education, analysts said. A newly-released report on Chinese college enrollment shows that the number of Chinese students going abroad for further study has been growing at an annual rate of over 20 percent in the past four years, and there has been an obvious increase in the percentage of younger applicants. Chinese students usually take college entrance exams at the age of 18 after completing 12 years of primary and secondary school education. Some high school students opted to learn professional skills at technical or vocational schools rather than scrapping for college seats via make-or-break college entrance exams after graduation. 雅思考试阅读材料整理:最牛作弊纸11米长 If youre going to cheat in an exam, at least be subtle about it。 如果你打算在考场里作弊,起码也要低调一点。 Cast a furtive glance at your friends answer sheet, scribble a note or two on your arm, perhaps。 偷偷摸摸地瞟两眼朋友的答题纸,再在胳膊上胡乱写几笔就行啦。 Dont, as one Kazakh student reportedly did, wrap reams and reams of answers - 25,000 to be more precise - around your body in a bizarre stunt that might have made Borat proud, but certainly not the examiners。 可别像报道中的这位哈萨克斯坦同学一样,把足足写着两万五千条答案的纸条裹在身上;这身怪异的装束可能会令波拉特洋洋自得,但监考老师们可不吃这一套。 It wasnt too long before they noticed the high school pupil fiddling inside his clothing before the university entr


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