人教版课本一年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 5.ppt

人教版课本一年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 5.ppt

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PPT课件 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT My body Lesson 1 PPT课件 * body (身体) PPT课件 * I have ___ hair. I have ____ hair. I have ____ hair. long short no PPT课件 * a small head a big head head PPT课件 * I have two heads I have______ heads five PPT课件 * hand hands PPT课件 * Hands up Hands down Follow me PPT课件 * clap your hands(拍拍你的手) PPT课件 * arm arms I have two arms. PPT课件 * leg I have two ______. legs PPT课件 * foot feet PPT课件 * stamp your foot(跺跺你的脚) PPT课件 * look carefully!Whats missing? PPT课件 * Touch your …(摸你的……) head/body/arm/leg/foot PPT课件 * 翻译下列单词 body (身体) head (头) arm (胳膊) leg (腿) hand (手) foot (脚) PPT课件 * 补全单词 b_dy o h_ad e _rm a h__nd a f _ _ t o o PPT课件 * I have a head and a____. body I have two________. legs/feet I have four eyes. and four__________. hands/arms Hello! My name is Monster. PPT课件 * Home work 1.能熟练用英文单词说出身体各部位器官。 2.回家给父母表演今天学习的歌曲。 PPT课件 * 再 见 PPT课件 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT 精品PPT


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