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PAGE 1 PAGE 教学设计 Topic: How to “Build” a passage Teaching objectives After class, students are able to understand the usage of some linking words, etc. Students are able to understand the structure of a passage. Students are able to write a passage by using writing strategies, such as having an outline. Key points and difficult points Students are able to write a passage by using writing strategies, such as having an outline. Teaching aids: CAI, colorful cards, pictures, learning sheets. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warm up lead in Play a game “I like English”. Brainstorm:How many sentences can you think of to express I like English. Step 2 Before writing 1) Guide students to get the passage structure by comparing 2 of their passages. 2) Students discuss,and find out the beginning, the body and the ending of the passage. 3) Students read through the passage to find out the linking words and good sentences. 4) Guide students to know how to write out the outline of the passage. Step 3 While writing 1) Task1: Students try to write an outline of a new passage and find the good sentences. 2) Task2: Students play a puzzle game, discuss and finish the task in groups. Step 4 Group work Students discuss and finish writing a complete passage. Students work in groups to check their writings. Step 5 Summary Step 6 Homework 1) Perfect your passage. For all. 2) Finish the outlines of the passages in 2016、2017. For all. 3)Finish the passages in 2016、2017. For optional.. 学情分析 九年级学生已经进入初中阶段的攻坚阶段,面临着毕业,面临着中考。按照《英语课程标准》,九年级学生在写作方面应该达到“能独立起草短文和短信,并且对文章进行修改”的要求。经过练习调查,发现学生的英语写作,有如下的问题: 一、 审题模糊。有些学生甚至不审题,就胡乱的写上几句;有些是根据写作要求所提示的英语短语,简单写上几句,草草了事;学习基础好的当然就多写几句,足见他们对英语写作及其不重视。? 二、汉语式英语太多。学生们不清楚如何去写英语作文,就按照题目要求,一句接一句去翻译。翻译的时候不注意句子结构,只是将汉语罗列成了英语单词。例如:Traffic problem more and more serious, 这个句子就缺少联系动词becomes. 三、文章逻辑性不强。这是针对那些英语基础比较好的同学,他们写英语作文,不能按照题目要求,分成段落层次去写作,而是任由自己的思想感情去发挥,虽然句子较为正确和优美,但是写得太长,有些脱离文章主题。文章书面不整洁。学生们写作文,没有打草稿的良好习惯,而是匆匆写好之后,发现有问题,在写好的作文上直接乱涂乱改。有时候会使文章



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