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北师大高一 A Perfect Day 教学设计和原创习题 高一 A Perfect Day 教学设计 教学设计之道: 文本是一块布,教师需要智慧地为学生量体裁衣 教学设计之术: 选择文本核心线索即文眼,从整体到细节梳理再回到整体, 抓大放小,切忌只见树木不见森林 梳理文章内容 第一篇:根据 couch potato 确定文眼是 TV ,所有问题围绕 TV 展开 : How many TV sets does he have? TV in the bedroom , TV in the living room , portable TV 2.How many kinds of TV programmes does he watch? Six. children ’ s programmes, movies, TV series, sport, news, play 3.How long does he watch TV every day ? For sixteen or seventeen hours 4.What ’s his wife ’s attitude towards his watching TV? supportive--His wife not only makes money but also meals. 第二篇:根据 workaholic 确定文眼是 work ,所有问题围绕 work 展开 : 1. What does he do for his work everyday?(underline and summarize) *attend meetings, *answer/make phone calls, *look at some documents, *do some paperwork. 学生容易将 answer some personal e-mails 作为其工作内容! 2. What ’s his job? most probably a secretary What ’s his family ’s attitude towards his work? opposed--His family complains about it. 情感教育升华: What exactly is “A Perfect Day ”? 注重学生批判性思维培养和情感价值人生观的教育,例如从社会主义核心 价值观之家庭和谐的角度得出: The couch potato ’slifestyle is better than the workaholic ’s. couch potato: We havent got too much money, you know, but we are happy. workaholic: I seldom have time for fun and other activities with my family. My family complains about it. 写作赏析: 如何描写对电视的痴迷?写作角度可以从拥有电视机数量之多、观看电视节目时间之长、观看电视节目种类之多等。 如何描述对工作的痴狂? 动词的使用: jump out of bed 而不是 get out of bed; 连词的使用 : wake up before alarm clock goes off 而不是 after alarm clock 。 序数词的使用: I am always the first person to get to the office. 副 词 的 使 用 : I get to bed around midnight when my wife and children are already asleep ...... 同步改编练习 词汇巩固 1.What (matter) most is not what you say but what you do. 2.Now, however, all the children are (peace) than before. They used to be very quiet. 3.I wondered if you could switch the TV as your sister is sleeping. 4.Tom often complains his mother ’sbad language. 5.It is b to listen to the same story again and again. 6.Tom, _________(relax) because it is not t



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