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五下 Unit 5 Helping our parents 知识点 一、单词 parent 父或母 clean擦 cook烧,煮 busy忙,忙碌 grow种植 garden花园 sweet甜的 pest害虫 ladybird瓢虫 二、词组 1. help our parents帮助我们的父母 2.Saturday morning星期六上午 3.help him帮助他 4. clean the car洗车 5.cook breakfast 做早饭 6.in the kitchen在厨房 7.in the living room在客厅 8.sweep the floor 扫地 9.in his bedroom在他的卧室里 10. in the afternoon在下午 11. my cousin我的表弟/表妹 12. be busy忙碌的 13.cook dinner 做晚饭 14. help her帮助她 15.wash the dishes洗碗 16. clean the table擦桌子 17. eat fruit吃水果 18.read newspaper看报纸 19. make the bed 整理床铺 20. wash clothes洗衣服 21.in the study在书房 22. listen to her听她讲 23.grow grapes种葡萄 24. in his garden在他的花园里 25. big and sweet 又大又甜 26.many pests许多害虫 27.on the grapes 在葡萄上 28. on Sunday afternoon在星期天下午 29. so sweet如此甜 30. go away 走了,离开 31. some ladybirds 一些瓢虫 32. do housework做家务 33.help me cook dinner 帮我做晚饭 34. to be continued 待续 三、句子 1.It’s Saturday morning.现在是星期六上午。 2. My father is cleaning the car.我的爸爸正在清洗小汽车。 3.I’m helping him.我在帮助他。 4. What are you doing? 你在干什么? I’m cleaning the table.我在擦桌子。 4. He grows grapes in his garden.他在他的花园种植葡萄。 5. Helen is in the living room.海伦在客厅。 6. What is she doing? 她在干什么? She is sweeping the floor.她在扫地。 7. What is he doing now? 他正在干什么? He is sleeping.他正在睡觉。 8. -What are they doing now? -他们现在在于什么? -They are helping their parents. -他们在帮助他们的父母。 9. My mother is busy. 我的妈妈正忙着。 10. She is cooking dinner. 她在做晚饭。 11. What is Helen doing? 海伦在干什么? Helen is washing the dishes.海伦在洗碗。 12. My grapes are big and sweet. 我的葡萄又大又甜。 13.There are some pests on the grapes.葡萄上有一些害虫。



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