
山水庄园景观方案设计 PPT课件.ppt

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擋土墙面处理方案 Retaining Wall Design 欄杆、栅欄門混合式 擋土墙面处理方案 Retaining Wall Design 欄杆、栅欄門混合式 擋土墙面处理方案 Retaining Wall Design 景觀對景 KEY LANDSCAPE VISUAL NODES 景觀對景 Key Landscape Visual Notes 维纳斯瞭望台 Venus Pavilion 太陽亭 Temple of Apollo 會所瞭望台 Clubhouse lookout 項目标志雕塑代表項目特牲,分隔20米一個,給予在車上或散步人仕标記。 This triangulation strengthens the three visual nodes. They are key identities for the community. 站在景觀島上的维纳斯瞭望台,可欣賞到會所及太陽亭對景。 Standing at the Venus Pavilion on the Secret island, one observes the Temple of Apollo and the Clubhouse. 在歐州庒園例子中,亭子是常用來歌頌维纳斯及太陽神。 Traditionally, in many European Gardens, it is often that Venus and Apollo are celebrated in their own Pavilions. 维纳斯瞭望台,太陽亭是景觀點及雨遮蔽處。 The Venus Pavilion and the Temple of Apollo both serve as a destination as well as rain shelters. 湖畔綠廊 -维纳斯瞭望台放大平面 Lakeside Corridor – Venus pavilioin plan 湖畔綠廊 -维纳斯瞭望台立面 Lakeside Corridor – Venus pavilion elevation 湖畔綠廊 -太陽亭 Lakeside Corridor – Temple of Apollo 太陽亭內墻的濕壁面畫帶出太陽神的故事。 The walls of this Temple is filled with fresco paintings of the stories of the God of Apollo. 社區會所瞭望台剖面 Community Clubhouse Lookout Area Section 1 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 社區會所放大平面 Community Clubhouse Plan 1 圖例 Legend: 2 3 會所車道入口 Clubhouse Entrance 停車場 Parking 上落客處 Club Drop Off 觀景台 Wood Deck Lookout 4 松樹園 Pine Tree Garden 5 野餐區 Picnic Area 6 室外泳池平台 Outdoor Pool Deck 7 室外泳池 Outdoor Pool 8 泳池水景瀑布 Pool Water Cascade 9 泳池小賣部 Pool Side Kiosk 10 多功能草坪 Multi Purpose Lawn 11 桂花園 Osmanthus Garden 12 會所木板碼頭 Clubhouse Pier 13 0 3 9 18M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 社區會所剖面 Community Clubhouse Section 社區會所剖面 Community Clubhouse Section 剖面圖A Section A 剖面圖B Section B A B 湖駁岸處理 LAKE EDGE TREATMENT 湖畔門廊 - 四季觀景台放大平面 Lakeside Gateway – Four Seasons Lookout Plan 圖例 Legend: 1 親水台階 Water steps 2 滨水人行木橋 Waterfront Bridge 3 車道橋 Vehicular Bridge 景觀小灣 Inlet Pond 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 6M 0 湖畔門廊 - 四季觀景台剖面 Lakeside Gateway – Four Seasons Lookout Section 剖面圖 Section 木板平台連接水岸。 Wood deck connecting to the lake water. 湖畔門


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