小学英语_PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit5 PartB Lets talk教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit5 PartB Lets talk教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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人教版小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 What is Fido doing? Part B Let’s talk 教学设计 Teaching contents: Unit 5 What is Fido doing? Part B Let’s talk Teaching aims: 知识目标:学生能够在教师的帮助下理解对话大意;能进行角色表演;能够在情景中运用“Is she/he v-ing?。Yes,she/he is. No,she/he isn’t. She/He is v-ing.”询问并作答某人正在做某事。 能力目标:能在一定的情境中表达:Is he drinking water?No,he isn’t. He’s ... 情感目标:增强学生热爱小动物、热爱生活的美好情感。 Teaching key points and difficulties: 在情景中运用句型“Is she/he v-ing?。Yes,she/he is. No,she/he isn’t. She/He is v-ing.” Teaching aids: PPT,一起作业APP Teaching Method:情景教学法 Teaching preview:布置一起作业,预习跟读B Lets talk Teaching procedures: (课间空播放歌曲动画《Animals ,animals are everywhere》) 课初始进行分组 T: Class, I’d like to divide you into 2 groups. You’re G1, and you’re G2. If you perform better, you can get one sticker. The winner is who can get more stickers. Let’s see: Who is the winner? Let’s fight. Step 1 : Warm-up Enjoy a song 《Animals ,animals are everywhere》and fill in the blanks. Some are _________. Some ___________ . Some are ___________ . 设计意图:以歌曲引入课堂教学,可以集中学生的注意力,由于是新歌,学生可能暂时不会唱,所以改变形式,欣赏歌曲根据歌曲内容填空,也有助于学生复习相关单词。 2、Game: 火眼金睛 T: Now let’s play a game. Please read as quickly as you can. Are you ready? Let’s go! 用Sharp eyes(火眼金睛)竞争小游戏复习与本课时内容相关的动词 Step2 Presentation 呈现新知 Look and say 呈现小猫和小狗的动态图片,引入新句型 Look! There is a cat. It’s so cute. What is she doing? She is eating。 Is the dog eating? No, it is jumping. 引导学生跟读,找出共同点并在视觉上感知现在进行时的表达。 Pair work 通过小狗和兔子正在做什么练习句型。 A: What is the dog doing? A: What are they doing? B: It is __________. B: They are __________. A: Is the dog ___________ ? A: Are these rabbits ___________ ? B: Yes,it is. / B: Yes, they are. / No, it isnt. Its _________ . No. Theyre _________ . 播放Let’s try Look! There is a dog, too. Do you know whose dog is it? 引出陈杰家的小狗Fido。通过Sam到陈杰家做客时所发生的事情,让学生听一段包含新句型He is sleeping.的对话,然后根据录音选出图片。 4、Let’s talk (1)教师呈现Sam,陈杰和她的宠物狗,并说:Today Sam is at Chen Jie’s home. But he can’t


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