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外国专家宿舍生活制度 遵守中国的法律和学校的一切规定。 按照指定的宿舍房间住宿,不能私自迁移或抢占房间。 凡已失去我校专家资格者,应在规定的期限内离校,逾期 学校不再提供住房,室内遗留物品,学校有权处理。 本人负责清扫和保持本人室内的卫生,并自觉维护环境卫 生,不得在楼道堆放物品,维护楼道畅通,不得在室外悬 挂、摆放或往窗外投弃物品。不得饲养家禽家畜。 保持宿舍安静,不得在宿舍内从事影响他人学习与休息的 活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗和高声放音乐等。 不得私自拆卸和改装宿舍楼内的设备,爱护宿舍内的公用 物品和设施,如有损坏和丢失应照价赔偿。 不得利用宿舍从事违反法律和校规的活动,所住房间不得 私自转让、转租和留宿他人。 有自行车者,应按规定办理相关登记手续,并按指定地点 存放,宿舍楼内不得存放自行车。 不得在墙上乱贴乱画,禁止在学校散发、张贴和展览宣传 品,禁止在学校和宿舍的公共场所私自放映电影和录像。 节约用水用电。注意防火、防盗,如遇火情或偷盗,请拨 打学校保卫处电话119 (火警)110 (匪警) 宿舍楼23: 00关门。 Regulation on Daily Lives in the Foreign Experts Building Comply with the Chinese laws and regulations of the university. Live in the designated room. Moving at will or forcibly occupying others rooms is not allowed. When you lose the status of a foreign expert of our university, you ll have to leave our university in time according to the regulation. We have right to deal with the articles left by you in the room. You should clean the room and keep it clean and tidy. The surrounding san itati on should also be well maintain ed. Don stack your articles in the corridor or throw them out of the win dows. Keep the doorway free of obstructi on. Domestic ani mals and pets are forbidde n to raise. Please keep quite and dortinterfere with others in rooms. You are not allowed to dan ce, make loud no ises or play acoustics aloud. Dont dismantle and change the public facilities without permission. Take good care of the public articles and facilities. If anyone damages them, he should pay for them in full price. The apartment is strictly prohibited to sublet or lodge others. No one is allowed to make advantage of the apartment to engage in any activities illegal or aga inst the regulatio ns of the uni versity. If you have a bicycle, you should go to register it first. And put it in the desig nated place. No scrabbling on the walls. No distributing or putting up any leaflets. Movie pictures and video record ings are not allowed in public sites. Econo mize water and electricity. Be wary of fire and theft .In c


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