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Unit11 SectionA 教材重 点知 解 SectionA(1a-2d) 1. I ’ drather go to the Blue Ocean Restaurant becauseI like to listen to quiet music while I ’ m eating. would rather do sth.意 “宁可,宁愿 ”。 e.g. I ’ d rather play tennis than swim比.起游泳我宁愿去打台球。 2. Yes, she was, and waiting for her drove me crazy. drive v. 迫使 drive sb.+adj.,使某人怎 drive sb. crazy/mad 使某人 / 狂 e.g. That thing almost drive me crazy. 那件事几乎要使我 狂了。 You’ ll drive mum mad one of these days你. 有一天会把 急 了的。 3. What happened? happen 生,不及物 ,常 的用法有 “ sthappen+.+h地点 /时间 ”,“某地 /某 生了某事 ” e.g. What ’ s happening outside?外面 生什么事了 ? “ sth.+happen to+sb意.为 “”某人出了某事 (常指不好的事 生在某人身上 ) ” e.g. A car accident happened to him yesterday昨.天他 生了交通事故。 “ sb.+happen+to do sth意.为 “某”人碰巧做某事 ” e.g. I happened to meet her in the street我.碰巧在街上遇 她。 The more I got to know Julie, the more I ’ verealized that we have a lot in common. the+比 +从句 ,the +比 +从句 “越?? , 越??” e.g. The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 你越用功, 步就越 大。 5. Why don ’yout ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? Why don’ t +sb.+do sth.=Why? not + do sth.? 何不 ?? ?用来提出建 或 告。 e.g. Why don ’ t you go with us? =Why not go with us? 你 什么不和我 一起去呢? 6. Then she won ’ t feel left out. 第 1 页 be/feel left out 表示 “被 忘;被忽略;被冷落 ”之 的意思。 e.g. No one speaks to him, he always feels left out. 没人跟他 ,他 是 得被人冷落。 SectionA(3a-3c) 1. He slept badly and didn ’ t feel like eating. feel like doing 想做某事 e.g. I feel like having a drink. 我想喝点酒。 2. His face was always pale as chalk他. 是面色 白。 (as) pale as chalk是一种明 修辞 构, 然英 把 白比作 chalk(白垩,一种 白色石灰岩 ),但 不可真 ,相当于我 的 “惨白; 白 ”。 e.g. You look as pale as chalk today. What ’ s wrong? 今天你看着面色 白,哪里不舒服? 另外 得注意的是, 描述不健康的人的面部 色 常用 “白”字,如 “煞白; 白;灰白 ”等等,英 常用 pale 来表达。 e.g. He suddenly went pale. 他突然面色 白。 3. One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. call in 召来,叫来 e.g. He only waited two minutes before he was called in. 他只等了两分 就被叫了 去。 Call in the doctor at once. 上去 医生来。 4. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. neithe


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