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PAGE PAGE 17 Analysis of Li Jihong’s Translation of The Kite Runner from the Perspective of Skopos Theory Abstract The Kite Runner is the first novel written by the American Afghan writer Called Khaled Hosseini. So far, The Kite Runner has been translated into many languages. Among them, Li Jihong’s Chinese translation is particularly remarkable, and he has received a good response in China. The skopos theory was developed by the German functionalist Hans Vermeer in the 1980s. Translation teleology is the theory that applies the concept of teleology to translation. Vermeer believes that all translation activities must first follow the principle of purpose, and the translation process is a process of first-mover and post-method. This thesis takes skopos theory as the theoretical framework. First of all, the background of teleology, the research significance and the literature review of this paper is briefly introduced. Then it introduces the definition, development stage and three basic rules of skopos theory simpleness, which are the skopos rule and the coherence rule, and the fidelity rule. Then, based on these three principles, an in-depth analysis the Chinese translation of The Kite Runner which is translated by Li Jihong. This thesis analyzes the culturally loaded words and ideological discourses adopted by Li Jihong from the perspective of the principle of principle; analyzes the use of word order adjustment, four-words and rhetoric from the perspective of coherence rule; finally, based on the understanding of the original text, from the perspective of the fidelity rule, the translation of the original text information faithfully is analyzed. Therefore, the use of skopos theory to guide the translation of the literary work of The Kite Runner can make readers have a greater interest in this work, resulting in a deeper understanding. Key words: skopos rule; coherence rule; fidelity rule; literary translation 摘 要 《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡赛尼创作的第一部长篇小说,到目前为止,《追风筝


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