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PAGE Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Reaction to the book 3 2. The analysis of Gatsby 9 3. The analysis of Daisy 10 4. The analysis of Nick 11 5.The analysis of TOM 12 6. Conclusion 13 References 14 摘 要 学者们已经《对了不起的盖茨比》中作者的写作手法—象征及比喻、“美国梦”在现实中的幻灭、盖茨比的人物分析——英雄主义的代表、以及故事中黛西等女性角色的空虚自私的生活等分析与评论。因此,在这基础上,通过对盖茨比与黛西、汤姆为代表的上层人物进行逐个分析,从反面揭示出以黛西、汤姆为代表的重商主义者在美国现实社会下对物质的追求与享乐但精神空虚如同行尸走肉般的人们注定了像盖茨比一类人的“美国梦”的破灭。因此,盖茨比的“美国梦”——黛西——注定是失败的,但是他为了实现自己的梦想不断奋斗的精神是了不起的。 关键词:盖茨比;黛西;汤姆;尼克 Abstract F.Scott Fitzgerald, such as the writing styles of the author in the book, symbolism and metaphor, tha failure of the American dream,the analysis of the protagonistGatsby The representative of hero and Daisy’s and other woman’s selfish and mental emptiness. On the basis of these, it revealed the failure of theAmerican dream people had in that times when they paid more attention to the the materialistic hedonism but spiritual void by analyzing the characters such as Gatsby, Daisy, Tom. Therefore, Gatsby’s American DreamDaisywas doomed to failure. However,he was great because he spared no efforts to make his dream come true. So what makes The Great Gatsby Great? I think the answer also is the image of Gatsby . Because of his profound love to Daisy even though the others become selfish and sophisticated in the society. He devotes himself to making big fortune for expecting Daisy’s return; he take responsibility of car accident at the expense of being put in the prison. Yes, this great man displays something called Profound Love when the society members’ hearts becoming colder and colder. And I always feel sympathetic to Gatsby’s consequence. We may say how stupid he is to pay so much to Daisy, but in other words, how persistent he is to his believing about love.He always thinks that all his behaviors can make Daisy change her mind and come back. Gatsby IS A tragic hero in the novel . Key words:Gatsby; Daisy; Tom; Nick Reaction to the book I have heard of the famous n


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