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PAGE 17 Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘 要 I Abstract II Chapter One Introduction 1 Chapter Two Poly System Theory 5 2.1Definition of Poly System Theory 6 2.2Development of Poly System Theory 6 2.3Relationship between Business English Term-translation and Poly System Theory 6 Chapter Three Linguistic Feature of Business Term-translation 7 3.1Abundant Vocabulary 7 3.2Formal Expression 8 3.3Standard Abbreviation 11 Chapter Four Stratege of Business Term-translation 13 4.1Consolidate Business English basic knowledge 13 4.2Familiar with business English wording features 14 4.3Understand culture and grasp context 15 Chapter Five Conclusion 17 Bibliography 18 Acknowledgments 20 摘 要 商务英语术语,是在特定商务领域用来表示概念的称谓的集合,是通过语音或文字来表达或限定科学概念的约定性语言符号。埃文-佐哈尔提出多元系统理论这一概念,对影响翻译过程的诸多因素和翻译的多元准则进行研究和探讨。翻译是某个多元系统由多个阶层的元素(或子系统)组成,各元素在系统中有的出于中心位置,有的处于边缘位置,各元素在不断相互竞争,争夺系统中的中心位置,系统中各元素之间并不是相互孤立,而是互相相互关联、相互重叠、共同作用的关系。商务英语术语翻译同样符合这个翻译准则。 商务英语术语翻译,因东西方思维模式不同,社会习俗不同,以及宗教信仰不同等跨文化因素使得其语言特色更为明显:用词丰富,语体正式,缩略词常见。商务英语术语翻译有如下翻译策略:夯实商务英语术语基础知识,熟悉商务英语措辞特点,了解文化把握语境等解决方案。从此提高商务英语术语翻译的正确性,准确性和规范性,为商务英语术语翻译提供借鉴,为商务英语翻译提供参考。 关键词:商务英语术语翻译;多元系统理论;商务术语语言特色 Abstract Business English terminology is a collection of titles used to represent concepts in a particular business domain. It is a kind of common language symbol that expresses or defines scientific concepts through speech or words. Evan-Zohar proposed the concept of poly system theory, and studied and discussed many factors affecting the translation process and the multiple criteria of translation. Translation is a poly system consisting of multiple levels of elements (or subsystems), each element in the system is centered, some are in the edge position, each element is constantly competing with each other, competing for the central position in the system.The elements in the system are not isolated from each other, but are related to each other, overlap each other, and work together. Business English term-transla


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