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PAGE 19 - Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \u Ⅰ Introduction - 1 - Ⅱ The Impact of Intercultural Factors on South-East Asia Countries - 3 - 2.1 The Impact of Chinese Culture on South-East Asia Countries - 3 - 2.2 The Impact of Religion Factors on Advertising Strategies - 5 - 2.3 Western Cultures in South-East Asia - 6 - Ⅲ The Differences between US McDonald’s Ads and UK McDonald’s - 7 - 3.1 The Impact of Film Industry on Advertisement - 7 - 3.2 Soccer in UK and Football in US - 9 - 3.3 Multi-culture Country with High Cultural Inclusive Country - 10 - Ⅳ Eastern Cultures with Western Cultures - 11 - 4.1 The Group Mind with Individual Thinking - 11 - 4.2 The High Context with Low Context - 12 - 4.3 The Emotional Appeals with Rational Appeals - 13 - Ⅴ Key points when Translating English Advertisements - 15 - 5.1 Key Points when Translating English Advertisements in South-East Asia - 15 - 5.2 Key Points when Translating English Advertisements in Western countries - 16 - Ⅵ Conclusion - 16 - 摘 要 随着改革开放的不断深入,以及经济全球化的世界格局逐渐形成,跨文化因素对中国企业走出去有着重要影响,各地区之间的文化差异需要进一步的了解,只有了解跨文化因素,了解不同地区的文化差异,中国企业才能在当地树立良好的形象。 在了解现在国内外的理论研究成果,并结合实际广告案例分析后,决定以麦当劳公司的广告为实例分析。首先,分析了东南亚地区的跨文化因素对广告的影响,分为中国文化、宗教文化、西方文化。其次,分析了美国和英国的跨文化因素对广告的影响。主要分析了不同的影视工业对英美广告业的影响、体育赛事对广告风格的影响、美国作为多元文化国家与英国的高文化包容性在广告风格上的不同表现。再次,分析了东西方的文化差异对广告的影响。主要从群体思维与个体思维、高语境与低语境、感性需求和理性需求三个方面进行分析。另外,分析了在翻译全球部分地区的英文广告时需要注意的关键点。最后,得出结论,跨文化因素是在商业广告制作和商业广告翻译中的关键必须重视。 关键词:广告;跨文化;文化差异 Abstract With the deepening of reform and opening and the formation of economic globalization, cross-cultural factors have an important impact on Chinese companies going global. Cultural differences between regions need to be further understood. Understanding cross-cultural factors and understanding cultural differences in the regions, can make Chinese companies establish a good image in overseas area. After understood the theoretical research results at home and abroad, and analyzed the advertising cases, The


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