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* 光照的影响 Diffuse Reflection 模拟光穿过物体表面,被部分吸收后,又重新发射出来的光 粗糙的表面,例如黑板,呈现出理想的漫反射特性,又叫Lambertian reflection. 观察者在任何方向观察,所观察到得漫反射光的强度都相等 对于给定表面,光照强度取决于光源和表面法线的夹角。 * 光照的影响 Matte: Ideal Diffuse Reflection Diffuse coefficient defined for each surface. Diffusely lit objects often look harshly lit Ambient light often added. Poor physical basis for diffuse reflection. Internal reflections inside the material etc… * 光照的影响 Mirror: Ideal Specular Surface Law of Reflection Calculation of the reflection vector involves mirroring L about N. ?i ?r ?r= ?i * 光照的影响 Specular reflection 模拟物体表面对入射光的直接反射。镜面反射光亮度沿镜面反射的主方向最强,在该主方向的四周则逐渐衰减,形成一定的空间分布。 * 光照的影响 Specular reflection Can be observed on a shiny surface, e.g nice red apple lit with white light. Observe highlights on surface. Highlight appears as the colour of the light, rather than of the surface. Highlight appears in the direction of ideal reflection. Now view direction important. * 光源 分类: 点光源,线光源,面光源,体光源 在计算机图形学中,常假定点光源照明 原因:容易确定到达被照射点的光能的大小,阴影计算 简单。 缺点:影响生成图形的真实性,例如阴影区域都千篇一律的具有尖锐的边界。 已有线、面光照模型的研究 T.Nishita, E.Nakamae, Half-tone representation of 3D objects illuminated by area source or polyhedron sources, IEEE, Proceedings of COMPSAC,1983 Poulin, J. Amanatides, Shading and shadows tieh linear light source, Proceeding of EURRGRAPHICS’90,1990 H.J.Bao, Q.S.Peng,Two Shading Models for Linear and Area Light Source,Computer Graphics,Vol. 17,No. 2,1993 etc… * 光源 点光源(Point source) All light originates at one point. Rays hit planar surface at different incidence angles. 平行光源(Parallel source) All light rays are parallel. Rays hit a planar surface identical incidence angles. May be modeled as a point source at infinity. Also denoted as Directional source. 聚光灯(Spot source ) All light originates at one point. With a main direction and cut off direction. * 光源 参数: openGL,DirectX中常见的一些光源参数 聚光灯:Sdir Scut Sexp 符号 说明 Samb 环境强度颜色 Sdiff 漫反射强度颜色 Sspec 镜面反射强度颜色 Spos 光源位置 * 材质 符号 说明 mamb 环境材质颜色 mdiff 漫反射材质颜色 mspec 镜


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