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实验六粪便标本分离-IV 学生讨论课-II 1、讨论课3 :布鲁菌 2 、讨论课4 :炭疽芽孢杆菌 3 、讨论课5 :鼠疫耶尔森菌 4 、操作:药敏试验结果观察 5 、操作:氧化酶试验;生化试验结果观察 动物源性细菌 人兽(畜)共患病 布鲁菌属:布鲁菌 耶尔森菌属:鼠疫杆菌 需氧芽孢杆菌属:炭疽杆菌 布鲁菌属Brucella - G , mostly coccobacilli, BSL-3 (potential bioweapon) • Highly adapted to parasitic, intracellular life style • Smooth (virulent) vs. rough phenotypes • Transmission through ingestion of unpasteurized milk and milk products, close contact with infected animal, tissue or fetus, and via aerosol • Animal brucellosis: abortion, epididymitis 附睾炎(sterility) • Human brucellosis: Insidious onset with unspecific symptoms; Malta fever, undulant fever…; Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, osteomyelitis and possible gastroenterological and nervous symptoms, but no abortion; Chronic infection is culture-negative and difficult to diagnose or prove. • Two chromosomes, with no plasmid, no lysogenic phages; sensitive to many common antibiotics, but successful treatment requires prolonged use • Effective attenuated smooth strain vaccine for animals • Eradication in livestock possible through effective vaccination and culling; endemic circulation might select for higher transmissibility and pathogenicity • Species identified in wild and sea mammals might pose risks as emerging pathogens 芽孢杆菌属Bacillus G+ rods, square ends, long chains in culture, central spores Aerobic. Gelatinase  gelatin liquefaction  invasiveness B. anthracis •Spores in environment  herbivores  humans; bioweapon •pXO2  antiphagocytic poly-D-Glu capsule synthesis  virulence •pXO1  toxins (PA, EF, LF); PA + EF = ET; PA + LF = LT •Cutaneous anthrax (~95%): Pruritic papule  vesicle(s)  necrotic ulcer with central black eschar  healing through granulation leaving scar; Edema, lymphangitis, lymphadenopathy; fever, malaise, headache; Seps


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