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宾语从句之语序时态总结 宾语从句之语序时态总结 PAGE / NUMPAGES 宾语从句之语序时态总结 宾语从句 Teaching Aims :让学生经过学习宾语从句,能正确做题,并能在社交及写作中正确运 用。 Main and Difficult Point s: 时态中的细化角度,以及含宾语从句的反意疑问句。 Analysis : 宾语从句在初中语法中是要点,中考选择题必有一道。 Teaching Procedure: 1 定义的角度 :在复合句中充任宾语成分的句子叫宾语从句。 eg I know you. ( 主+谓+宾) I know you are a student. ( 主+谓 +宾语从句 ) 从解题的角度 : ① 语序的角度:从句老是要用陈说句的语序(主谓不倒装) What are they talking about I want to know. I want to know what they are talking about. How can I get to the train station Can you tell me Can you tell me how I can get to the train station ② 从时态的角度: a . 假如主句是一般此刻时,从句依据状况使用任何一种时态。 I know you are a teacher. ( 一般此刻时 ) I know you were a teacher three years ago. (一般过去时) I know you will be a teacher next year. ( 一般未来时 ) ( 主现从任 ) 假如主句是一般过去时,从句就要依据时间状语而用相应的过去的某种时态。 I heard you had a bad cold. (一般过去时) He asked me what I was doing last night ( 过去进行时 ) He told me that he had finished his homework last night. (过去达成) I knew you would be a teacher next year. ( 过去未来 ) (主过从过) 假如从句是客观真谛时,它永久都用一般此刻时。 The teacher tells/told that the earth moves around the sun. (主任从现) 注意:时态:十二字目标:主过从过,主现从任,主任从现 ⑶ 从连结词的角度: a 当陈说句变成宾语从句时,用 that 连结,并且 that 可省略 You are a student. ( 改为宾语从句) I know (that) you are a student 注意 :that 不行省略的状况 1. 宾语从句中的主语是 that 时 Eg: She told me that that was a useful book. 有多个宾语从句,第一个能够省略,其余不可以够 Eg: She said(that) the film was interesting and that she enjoyed seeing it. 在主从复合句中( that 指引的宾从中又含有从句时 that 一般不省略) Eg : Im afraid that if you lose the book you’ll pay for it. I think that if you study hard you will pass the test. 主语和宾语之间有插入语时 Eg: He told me ,believe it or not , that he would buy a car. 当 it 作形式宾语取代 that 指引的宾语从句时 Eg: They make it clear to the public that they do an important job. b 当一般疑问句变成宾语从句时,用 if 或 whether 连结 . Are you a student I wonder. I wonder if /whether you are a student. Does he like learning English Do you know Do you know if/whether he likes learning English 注意 : 以下状况一般用 whether 不用 if 后接 or not 时只用 whether Eg:I don ’t know whether she will come or not. 指引从句作介


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