
分析化学课件:第八章 分子光谱分析法-分光光度法.pptx

分析化学课件:第八章 分子光谱分析法-分光光度法.pptx

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Analytical Chemistry;Chemical Analysis versus Instrumental Analysis 化学分析与仪器分析;Range of Analysis;Instrumental Analysis 仪器分析;Basic Elements for Instrumental Analysis 仪器分析方法的基本要素 ;Chapter VIII Molecular Spectroscopy 第八章 分子光谱分析法; ;;Wave Nature and Particle Nature of Single -Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation 电磁波具有波粒二象性(Wave–particle Duality);Description of Wave nature 周期(amplitude) 频率(frequency) 波长(wavelength) 波数(wavenumber) 传播速率 (velocity of propagation)波在不同介质中的传播速率会发生变化,在真空中的传播速率最大,为2.99792?108 m / s ;photons 光子or quanta量子;The Electromagnetic Spectrum 电磁波谱;In light, Mixing Any Two Complementary Colors Gives White;Radiation Induces Energy Level in a Molecule Change;世界是物质的,物质是不断运动变化的;激发态与基态中的电子自旋方向 相同―Singlet单重态 相反― Triplet三重态;激发态与基态中的电子自旋方向 相同―Singlet单重态 相反― Triplet三重态;Region;;Spectra for Material of Different Types;原子光谱为线状光谱(line spectra),分子光谱为带状光谱(band spectra);Absorption Band Is Associated with Molecular Structure;Absorption Band Is Associated with Molecular Structure-IR 吸收谱带与分子的结构有关,如IR;Transition and Absorption for Organic Compounds;Chromophores 生色团;Examples CH3Cl CH3Br CH3I λmax(nm) 172 204 258;Conjugated Double Bonds共轭双键;Sudan Red I ;lmax=478 nm;Absorption Band of Benzene in iso-Octane异辛烷;Solvent Effects on Absorption Spectra;;For different compound, the spectra and and ?max are different -Basis for qualilative analysis定性分析的基础 For same material, absorbance increases as concentration increase -Basis for quantitative analysis定量分析的基础 -Beer-Lambert law (Beer’s law);;The Absorption Law - Lambert(1760)-Beer’s(1852) Law;The Absorption Law: Beer-Lambert Law;透光率(透射比)(Transmittance);Cross Section截面 s;Beer-Lambert law;A=lg(1/T) =-lg It/I0 = ebc;1968, IUPAC Regulation: A,T,ε, b;Terms Used in Absorption Spectrometry;What Beer’s Law tells us?;Varies with Wavelength of Detection as Well as Molecular Structure;Applying Beer’s Law to Mixtures;Limits to Beer’s law;For different com


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