
分析化学课件:第六章 氧化还原滴定法.pptx

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Chapter VI Redox Titration 氧化还原滴定;Titration Curves;Chapter VI Oxidation/Reduction Titration 氧化还原(Redox)滴定;Introduction to Electrochemistry;Ce4+ + Fe2+ ?? Ce3+ + Fe3+;Electrochemical Cell and Half-cell Reaction 电化学池与半电池反应;Measurement of the Electrode Potential for an Ag Electrode 银电极反应电极电位的测量;The Standard Hydrogen Reference Electrode 标准氢电极;The Nernst Equation;Electrode Potential电极电位;I;Complex Formation络合物的形成;Example ;Approach;Fe3+will not oxidize I-.;Effect of Precipitation沉淀的影响;Example: pH effect;When H+ or OH- are in involved in the half-cell reaction,Nernst Equation will include [H+] or [OH-];Alternative Approach;???As(V)/As(III) as a Function of pH;???(As(V)/As(III)) ~ pH;Half-cell reactions: Ox1 + n1e- ? Red1 , Ox2 + n2e- ? Red2, Balanced equation配平方程式: n2Ox1+n1Red2 ? n2Red1+n1Ox2 At equilibrium平衡时, ?1= ?2 n ??学上为n1 与 n2 的最小公倍数 Mathematically, the lease common multiple 物理意义,电子转移数 Physically the total number of electrons transferred ;Half-cell reaction半电池反应: Ox1 + n1e- ? Red1 , Ox2 + n2e- ? Red2 Balanced equation配平方程式: p2Ox1+p1Red2 ? p2Red1+p1Ox2 Define p1x p2 = n, mathematically the lease common multiple (最小公倍数)of n1 and n2, Physically the total number of electrons gained or lost represented by the balanced redox equation. n = p1 x n2 = p2 x n1 → n2 = n/p1, n1 = n/p2;At equilibrium, the electrode potentials for all half reactions in an oxidation/reduction system are equal, thus ?1= ?2;Example Calculation K? when the following reaction occurs in 1mol·L-1HCl;At sp:;The requirement for electrode potential difference to achieve reaction completeness of greater than 99.9%.;n1=1, n2=2;Criteria for Redox Titration ;Reaction Rate (反应速率) of Redox Reaction (自学);Oxidation of As(III) by Ce4+ Occurs in two steps: As(III) As(IV) As(V) The reaction speeds up with addition of KI. 2Ce4+ + 2I- ? I2 + Ce3+ fast I2 + H2O


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