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CONTENTKey strategic principlesRegulatory overviewMarket overviewCompetition overviewBusiness modelsNext stepsAGENDABusiness ModelsDomestic and international long-distance voiceWholesale/carrierEnterprise solutionsIssues going forwardMETHODOLOGY BEING USED TO DEVELOP BUSINESS MODELS AND OVERALL STRATEGYStrategic implications and capabilities assessmentChoice of business modelsto pursue and timingRegulatory and competitive analysisAssessment of market opportunitiesEconomic modelingHow do the market sizing and share assumptions translate into overall top line revenue for CNC?What capital investments will be necessary to build out metro and long haul fiber networks?Predicted cash flow profile by business model and selected scenariosWhat type of regulatory environment will evolve in China?Will equal access for voice and data be granted and when?What effect will WTO have?Regulatory mapping and CNC share predictions across scenariosHow will China datacom market develop? How large is the overall opportunity for a new entrant?Overall market sizing and revenue forecast by product areaMajorissuesRoadmap for pursuing business models and expected financial performanceIntegrated approach to CNC business planExpectedoutput- Current areas of focusCNC AT A CRITICAL STRATEGIC CROSSROADSPreliminary ConclusionsRecommendations/Decisions to be MadeOffnet VOIP predicted to generate to provide breakeven economics for building backbone1 Wholesale revenue provides significant upside potential Majority of wholesale revenue relies on access to mobile carriersEnterprise solutions economics very attractive, but substantial complexity and resources involvedHigh-bandwidth international gateway critical to success in both wholesale and enterprise Economic predictions highly sensitive to a set of key assumptionsAccelerate vendor selection and backbone construction; time to market criticalCommitment to utilizing IP/DWDM invlolves risk to mobile carrier businessRFP to vendors should be based on prod
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