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I get to take home the souvenir video of this when we're done, right? 等我们做完后,我要把这个 影片带回家做纪念品,可以吗? Jonathan, you can go ahead and put your shirt on. 强纳森,你可以把衬衫穿上了 How does everything look, Dr. Scanlan? 情况怎样,史卡蓝医师? Well, I'm afraid the left ventricular myocardium is still dyskinetic. 我担心左心室心肌仍然有障碍 Why don't I like the way that sounds? Because of the arterial blockage... 听起来为何让人觉得不安? 因为心动脉的阻塞… ...I'm gonna recommend a triple bypass. 我建议进行血管烧道手术 You're only in the hospital a few days. I promise, when you come out... 只需要住院几天 出院的时候,我保证…'ll feel better than when you came in. 你一定会觉得 比刚住院时舒服 Open-heart surgery? Don't you think that's a bit extreme? 开心手术? 你不觉得太夸张了点? We've been friends for a long time... 我们已经是老朋友了… ...and I know you can be a stubborn man. 我知道你是个很固执的人 Look, given your current condition, Jonathan... 以你目前的状况看来,强纳森… could have another heart attack any moment. 你随时可能会心脏病复发 And the next time could be fatal. 再发生时,可能会致命的 And the surgery could be fatal too? 手术也可能会致命? Trust me. 信任我 You stand a far greater risk... 如果不动这个手术… ...if you don't have this operation. 危险更大 Come on! 拜托! Garrett? 贾瑞特? Garrett. 贾瑞特 Thanks, Clark. 谢了,克拉克 You figure after a couple months, it'd like me better. 还以为过几个月后 这东东会比较喜欢我 I thought your dad was out of the woods. 我还以为你♥爸♥已经脱离危险了 So did l. 我也以为如此 But here we are again. 不过,我们又来报到了 How's your brother doing, Garrett? 你哥哥情况怎样,贾瑞特? In serious need of a new liver. 急需一个新的肝脏 If he doesn't get one soon, I don't know how much time he's got left. 如果不快点得到一个新的肝 我不晓得他还能撑多久 Of course, if he knew I was out here, instead of hitting the books, he'd pitch a fit. 当然,如果让他知道我没读书 而是待在这里,他铁定会发火的 What's it looking like for your dad? 你♥爸♥的情形怎样? They're talking open-heart surgery. 他们在讨论要开心手术 With everything you've told me about your father, it should be a walk in the park. 以你常提到的那位强壮的父亲 我想,这应是轻而易举的手术 You know, Garrett... 你知道,贾瑞特… ...I always thought of my dad as a man of steel. 我一直认为我爸是铁打的 I guess I was wrong. 我想我错了 Clark. 克拉克 Your



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