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Core Concepts of Marketing T1 Products (goods, services, and ideas) Value, cost, and satisfaction Needs, wants, and demands Exchange and transactions Relationships and networks Markets Marketers and prospects Fig. 1.02 Flow Structure in a Modern Exchange Economy T2 Government markets Manufacturer markets Consumer markets Intermediary markets Resource markets Taxes, goods Money Money Services, money Services, money Taxes Taxes, goods Services, money Services Taxes, goods Goods, services Goods, services Resources Money Money Resources Fig. 1.05 Actors and Forces in a Modern Marketing System T3 Environment Suppliers Company (marketer) Marketing inter- mediaries End-user market Competitors Fig. 1.06 Selling and Marketing Concepts Contrasted T4 Factory Existing products Selling and promotion Profits through sales volume Target market Integrated marketing Profits through customer satisfaction Customer needs Starting point Focus Means Ends (b) The marketing concept (a) The selling concept Fig. 1.07 Evolving Views of Marketing’s Role T5a a. Marketing as an equal function b. Marketing as a more important function Finance Production Marketing Human resources Finance Human resources Marketing Production Fig. 1.09 Evolving Views of Marketing’s Role T5b Fig. 1.09 c. Marketing as the major function d. The customer as the controlling factor Marketing Finance Human resources Production Customer Human resources Finance Production Marketing Evolving Views of Marketing’s Role T5c Fig. 1.09 e. The customer as the controlling function and marketing as the integrative function Customer Marketing Production Human resources Finance Determinants of Customer Delivered Value Product value Services value Personnel value Image value Monetary cost Time cost Energy cost Total customer value T6 Psychic cost Total customer cost Customer delivered value T6 Fig. 2.01 The Generic Value Chain Fig. 2.03 T7 Primary Activities Support Activities Firm infrastructure Human resource management Technol


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