跨文化 中西方餐桌礼仪差异.ppt

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The Diferences Between Chinese Western Table Manners 13英本1 Ivy;How much do you know about table manners?; Why chinese prefer round table in the Chinese banquets ?;Why western people prefer the long tables in the banquet ?;In China, people like to seat around and share the plates. Chinese people value collectivism. In West, people have their own plate and eat their own food. Western people value individualism. ; Tablewares;Eastern tableware ;Western tableware;The order of dishes in the West;starters;soup;main course ;dessert;drinks;The order of dishes in China;chinese food;Dessert Eating something sweet for dessert is not a Chinese custom. Sweet things can be found hidden among everything else on a Chinese menu. Fruit salads and caramel covered apple are Chinese sweet dishes that are popular with Westerners.; Drinking Beer is very popular in China, but it is all very similar with none of the stronger or darker varieties brewed in the West. The other popular alcoholic drink is rice wine. Beware, this can be very strong .In China, drinking alcohol is still mainly a male custom.Male guests are routinely offered alcohol and cigarettes at meal times. Just politely refuse if you don’t want them. An empty glass is always refilled, no matter about protests that the guest has had enough, as a mark of politeness or good will. Often a refusal has to be given three times. See Chinese Guest and Host Customs. ;Manners in the West;Helping Yourself and Refusing If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish in at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: No thank you.;Manners in China; Touching Tables Though in the West it is sometimes considered rude to put one’s


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