2022年冀教版英语四下Lesson 19 My Favourite Colours(公开课)教案.docVIP

2022年冀教版英语四下Lesson 19 My Favourite Colours(公开课)教案.doc

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Lesson 19 My Favourite Colours 教学设计: 1、教学目标: 知识目标:对表示颜色的七个词black, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, white能够到达听、说、读、写四会。能用语言I / We / They like___. My /Our/ Their favourite colour is___.表达自己对颜色的喜好。 能力目标:能够用语言谈论不同颜色,表达自己的喜好和感情。 情感目标:通过学习各种颜色的词汇,培养学生对生活的热爱之情和审美观。 2、学生和内容分析: 本课主要介绍了有关颜色的七个词black, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, white, 在前几册的学习中,学生们已经屡次接触过这些单词,能够认识这些颜色的名称。本节课通过学习掌握这些词汇的拼写和运用,在实际交流中用各种颜色的词汇表达自己的喜好。 3、课时安排:一课时 4、教学方法: 在新授课时,教师采用扶放结合的教学方法带着学生学习重点词汇。在操 练过程中通过为学生创设语言情境、小组合作等教学方法让学生进行充分的语 言训练。 5、课堂练习: 第一局部练习设计: 〔1〕A game: Where’s my white cat (Use the CAI) Ask the students to talk about the pictures. 〔2〕Magic Bag: Ask the students to touch and guess“ What colour is it〞 第二局部练习设计:Ask the students to write down their favourite colours and try to find their friends in groups. 6、课后作业:Finish your chart and ask your family members what’s their favourite colour. 7、PPT演示文稿〔见文字材料后〕 8、板书设计: Lesson 19 My Favourite Colours I like… green We orange They purple My favourite colour is… brown Our pink Their black white 九、教学过程: Step I. Warming-up Greetings: Hello, boys and girls. How are you What are you wearing (亲切的问候给学生营造轻松、愉快的课堂。通过自然的交谈引出本课的主题“颜色〞,为七个颜色单词的讲授作铺垫。) Step II. Presentation ※ Black, brown, green, orange, pink, purple and white.. 1) The students have learned “ red, yellow, white〞 before. Use the question and answer drill to lead in. “ What colour is it It’s…〞 Use some different coloured cards to demonstrate the key words “ green, orange, pink, brown, purple, black and white.〞 2)Let the students say and spell the key words for a few times. Ask them to say something colourful. 1) A game: Where’s my white cat (Use the CAI) Ask the students to talk about the pictures. 3) Magic Bag: Ask the students to touch and guess“ What colour is it〞 〔通过创设语境、利用提示性的问题、教师的描述等方法来唤起学生对颜色的感知经历、让学生通过问题、语境进行自主尝试。引导学生自己说出不同颜色,从单词教学上升到语句的训练继而大胆地放手给学生大量地时机,激发学习的 热情,鼓励他们用语言描述不同的颜色,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和语言的综合运用能力。〕 ※ I / We / They like___.My /Our/ Their favourite colour is___. 1)Lead a dialogue. T: I


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