新外研版高中英语必修3夯基:Unit5 What an adventure Developing ideas 课件.ppt

新外研版高中英语必修3夯基:Unit5 What an adventure Developing ideas 课件.ppt

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5. She almost looks as though she is about to set sail once again!她几乎看上去就像又要扬帆起航了!? 【句式解构】 be about to do sth. 表示“立即(马上)要去做某事”。 *Please get everything ready. The experiment is about to start. 请准备好。实验就要开始了。 *She is to get married next month. 她下个月结婚。 *The man in black was about to set fire to the house when the police came. 这个穿黑色衣服的人正要放火烧房子, 这时警察来了。 【名师点津】 be about to do. . . when. . . 正要做……突然…… be to do sth. 表示按计划或安排要做的事, 但不表示立即要做。 【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 ①We are _______(meet) at the station at four this afternoon. ? ②We were about to start _____it began to rain. (2)I _____________my homework tomorrow. ? 我明天就要做作业了。 to meet when am about to do 读写结合·表达升级 描写探险或旅行经历 【文体感知】  Task 1 框架宏观建构: 整体理解? 1. Skim the passage and you’ll find that the adventure is usually described on the basis of _______________________. ? 2. The passage is about the author’s experiences during _________________. ? place, scenery and activity undersea adventure  Task 2 文本微观剖析: 特色表达? Undersea adventure Place (地点) One-day ①____to the Farne Islands Time (时间) ②_________every day from 1 June to 31 July Activity (活动) Two ③_____: wreck diving and scenic diving Accommodation (膳宿) lunch Instructor (指导) 12 ④______and 6 dive ⑤__________per tour tour Available dives divers instructors 【实践应用】 【模板构建】 【典题仿写】 假定你是某国际学校的学生李华, 你昨天参加了某旅行社组织的海底探险旅行。请用英语写一篇日记, 记述这次探险旅行, 内容包括: 1. 时间、地点; 2. 探险项目: 深海潜水、观察海洋生物、海底古文明遗址探险等; 3. 你的感受。 注意: 1. 词数80个左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 参考词汇: 探险 expedition 【遣词造句】 ·完成句子 1. 昨天, 我和一些游客参加了一家旅行社组织的西海海底探险活动。 Yesterday, I, together with some tourists, took part in an underwater expedition _________________________in the West Sea. ? 2. 它给我留下了深刻的印象。 It ______________________me. ? organized by a travel agency left a deep impression on 3. 我们有许多令人兴奋的活动。 We had ____________________. ? 4. 其中之一是深海潜水。 One of them was ______________. ? 5. 在潜水期间, 我们享受海底的美丽和观看海洋生物。 During the diving, we _________________________and watched the marine life. ? many excitin


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