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15个重点项目应当被考虑当船舶准备载重线检验时 〃杰克船长〃的资料分享QQ群,5群1015956513. 6群819530650. 7群 823912426、8群877464147、9群6745492950人数有限资料同步分享加 一个群就可以。陆续分享〃有用的航海资料100本〃和教材电子版及PPT(加 不进去是说明群满了,换一个试试,只加一个群就够了) The time before surveys is a tough one for all onboard ship. Work is carried out in full throttle to ensure that the vessel is up to the mark of highest standards. Needless to say, a Planned Maintenance Schedule is of extreme importance here; for, if carried out with diligence and at regular intervals, last minute decisions do not have to be made. Also, situations have arisen wherein work for the load line survey begins at a prior time that is just not enough to achieve maximum results. Thereby, preparations ought to begin a few months before the expected date of survey. Mentioned below are some important points that needs to be considered while preparing for a load line survey: Check Access Points: Access points at enclosed structures should be checked. All movable parts (clamps, dogs etc.) should be well greased. Gaskets and watertight packings should be checked for cracks and repaired accordingly. Rubber packings are integral in maintaining the watertight integrity of an enclosed structure. Check Ventilators and Air pipes: Ventilators and air pipes (openings) should be provided with closing mechanisms. Check the installation if already provided and repair any damages. Often, heavy rusting eats up most of the flaps in which case they should be replaced. Keep Deck Clear: Portable beams must be checked for efficiency and securing. Also, a habit must be inculcated of squaring up of used equipment. It reflects very well on the ship to have a deck free from unnecessary tools lying about. Check Hatches: Hatches should be checked for being weather tight. Check booby hatches too for the same. The butterfly screw should be checked for easy movement. Check Locking Bars: Locking bars, locking pins, hatch ventilators must be checked, de rusted and operated for free movement. As we all know, liberal us


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