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Corticosteroids 类固醇激素 (1)Not using intravenous hydrocortisone氢化可的松 to treat adult septic shock patients if adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy are able to restore hemodynamic stability. In case,not achievable:hydrocortisone氢化可的松 200 mg qd. intravenous (grade 2A). When given, use continuous infusion (grade 2C). iv-p.优于iv. * (2) Not using the ACTH stimulation test to identify adults with septic shock who should receive hydrocortisone (grade 2B). (3)reduce the treated patient from steroid therapy when vasopressors are no longer required (grade 2D). (4)Corticosteroids not be administered for the treatment of sepsis in the absence of shock (grade 1D). Corticosteroids 类固醇激素 * Adjunctive Therapy Emphasizes! Blood Product Administratio Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced ARDs Glucose Control Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis Nutrition Renal Replacement Therapy Sedation, Analgesia, and Neuromuscular Blockade in Sepsis * Blood Product Administration 血制品的输注 (1)recommend red blood cell transfusion occur only when the hemoglobin concentration(HGB) decreases to 70 g/L (grade 1B). to target a HGB of 70-90 g/L,?in?merger?of? extenuating circumstances: (a) myocardial ischemia (b) severe hypoxemia顽固性低氧血症 (c) acute hemorrhage or ischemic coronary artery disease * (2) use fresh frozen plasma新鲜冰冻血浆. Not only to be corrected laboratory clotting abnormalities but also to be used in bleeding or planned invasive procedures (grade 2D) ; (3) recommend against antithrombin凝血酶 administration(grade 2D). (4) prophylactically Platelets Administration (grade 2D) PLT≤(1 0,000 / μL) in the absence of apparent bleeding; PLT≤(2 0,000/ μL) if the patient has a significant risk of bleeding. (5) not using EPO as a specific treatment of anemia . Blood Pro


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