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* * * Neurodegenerative diseases include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Huntington’s disease. These diseases are characterized by an increase in iron levels in the brain. Iron buildup, or any other mineral buildup, displays a distinct degree of susceptibility which enables SWI to be an effective imaging technique. Therefore, SWI will enable a better understanding of the progression of these diseases and will also help in predicting the treatment outcome. The arrows in these images point to mineralization along the motor cortex, revealing degenerative brain disease. 其他疾病 白血病脑内出血灶 其他疾病 大脑常染色体显性动脉病合并皮层下梗塞及脑白质病 CADASIL,50岁 正常对照 其他疾病 狼疮脑病 其他疾病 肝豆状核变性 其他疾病 25岁,女性,双侧颈动脉炎 * 改变图5为cT图片,示基底节钙化图6为图5相邻层面基底节钙化灶相位图,可见黑Ij相『HJ混杂信号改变图7脉络从球形钙化灶相位图,可见脉络丛中心层面中心为高信号。外周嗣以低信号环图s尤定形钙化相位图,町见钙化灶旱不规则黑自混杂信号改变,以高信号为主图9一ll为基底节血肿连续层而相位图,可见危侧摹底节血肿呈多环样黑口相间信号改变,同时左侧枕叶可见一微出血灶,I}I间层面中心为低信号,外周为高信号,而相邻2层为低信号图12为募底节血肿相应CT扫描图片 * * * * * * Developmental venous anomalies and cavernomas are low-flow vascular malformations that are not imaged well with conventional MR sequences. The incorporation of phase information in SWI offers the ability for early detection and assessment of these low-flow vascular malformations. The visualization of more of these low-flow lesions will allow for the surgical removal of the lesions that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. This patient has a large developmental venous anomaly of the left cerebral hemisphere. The abnormality is barely visible on the standard GRE, while the low-flow vascular malformation is readily apparent on the SWI image. * Developmental venous anomalies and cavernomas are low-flow vascular malformations that are not imaged well with conventional MR sequences. The incorporation of phase information in SWI offers the ability for early detection and assessment of these low-flow vascular malformations. The visualization of more of these low-flow lesions will allow for the surgical removal of the lesions that otherwi
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