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the Changjiang River 长度:6000多千米 A: Tell me more about ________________. How ____ is it? B: It’s _________________________________. long more than six thousand kilometres long the Changjian River Ask and answer. the Yellow River 长度:4000多千米 A: Tell me more about ________________. How ____ is it? B: It’s _________________________________. Ask and answer. Shanghai 人口:2000多万 A: Tell me more about ____________. How ____ is it? B: It has got ___________________________. big more than twenty million people Shanghai Ask and answer. Ask and answer. A: Tell me more about Beijing. _____________? B: It’s _________________________. A: _____________? B: It has got _____________________. A: It’s an animal. B: Tell me more about it. A: It’s very big. B: Is it a tiger? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it an elephant? A: Yes, it is. Practise. A: It’s an animal. B: Tell me more about it. A: It’s very big. B: Is it …? A: … 小组合作PK,利用句型“Tell me more about ”从对方组中获得尽可能多的信息,并猜动物,猜的最多的组获胜。 Play a game. 巩固练习 打开M1U2课堂基础练,学生借助答题器或平板电脑作答,即学即练,检测当堂学习情况。 2.介绍某个地区的特征: 1.词汇:more than, thousand, kilometre, something, million. Tell me more … How long …? It’s more than … How big …? It has got … Summary close Homework 1. 登录“优教同步学习网”或“优教信使”APP,完成活动2课文的听读作业,并进行口语评测。 2. 试着编创对话,介绍某地/某物特征,不少于5句。 3. 登录“优教同步学习网”,预习Module1 Unit2。 布置听读作业: 下载“优教信使”完成作业及口语评测: * * It’s more than twenty thousand kilometres long. Module1 Unit1 外研版(三起点)六年级上册 Where did you go in summer holiday? I went to ... Talk about holiday. Listen and chant. It’s very __________. It’s ______ and _____. And we _____ it all. beautiful long old love Listen and fill in. This is the _________. Great Wall It’s a picture of the Great Wall. It’s a picture of New York. It’s a postcard of the Great Wall. postcard = post + card 明信片 邮寄 卡片 ar postcard park These postcards are great. Daming is showing some postcards now. Where is he? What are they talking about? Watch and answer. Daming


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