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【全册 18 份】 2015-2016 高中英语 外研版必修 2 同步练习及答案 目录 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The house is not really ________ (合适的 ) for a large family. 2 .Early to bed and early to rise is a ________ (健康的 ) way of living. 3 .Burners Li could have been extremely ________ (富有 ) because of his invention of Web, but he isnt. 4 .We waited with ________ (焦急 ) for the news of her safe arrival. 5.Her behaviour is ________ (正常的 ) for a girl of three years old. 6 .He is going to take the ________ (队长) of Shandong football team. 7.These flowers are very ________ (稀有的 ) in this country. 8 .Her good health is mainly due to proper ________ (饮食 ) and regular exercise. 9.There is an old ________ (谚语 ), “Love me, love my dog. ” 10.He put his ________ (受伤的 ) finger into his pocket. 答案: 1.fit 2.healthy 3.wealthy 4.anxiety 5.normal 6.captain 7.rare 8.diet 9.proverb 10.injured Ⅱ.短语翻译 1.进行锻炼 ________________ 2 .与 ,, 有联系 ________________ 3.想出________________ 4 .适合做某事 ________________ 5.相当,有点儿 ________________ 6 .对 ,, 着迷 ________________ 7.太多的 ________________ 1 8.朝前门走去 ________________ 9.为 ,, 而担心 ________________ 10.太多的 ,, ________________ 答案: 1.take exercise 2.be connected with 3.think of 4 .be fit to do 5.a bit of ... 6.be crazy about 7.too much 8.head towards the front door 9.be anxious about 10.too much Ⅲ.易混点对比练习 A .用 anxious或 eager 填空。 1.He is ________ to meet you. 2 .Everyone is ________ for success. 3.It was late but he didnt come back. We were all ________ about his safety. 4 .We were ________ for help to be sent. B.用 injure, hurt 或 wound 的正确形式填空。 5.My shoes are so tight that my feet ________. 6 .How many people were ________ in the accident?


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