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中药多酚超声瞬时提取工艺拟合和质量评价临床医学 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:中药多酚超声瞬时提取工艺拟合和质量评价临床医学 1 1 器材 3 2 方法 3 3 结果 5 4 讨论 7 文2:中药谱效学在中药质量评价中的应用概况 8 1 中药质量评价的传统思路和中药谱效学的提出 8 2 中药谱效学的研究模式 9 3 中药谱效学的应用范围 10 4 思考与展望 12 参考文摘引言: 13 原创性声明(模板) 14 文章致谢(模板) 14 正文 中药多酚超声瞬时提取工艺拟合和质量评价临床医学 文1:中药多酚超声瞬时提取工艺拟合和质量评价临床医学 Abstract:ObjectiveTo study the effect of itantaneous ultrasonic extraction on polyphenols in Chinese herbs, evaluate this technique, and create the regression ultrasonic extraction was used to extract polyphenol separately from herbs of Phyllantuus urinaria L., leaves of Camellia sineis L. and root of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. Gallic acid, EGCG and Salvianic acid were determined by HPLC. The uniform design and multi-linear regression were applied to obtain the equation about the relatiohip between process paramete and polyphenol yield rate, and optimize the process conditio. Energy coumption of the technique was calculated. ResultsPolyphenol content extracted by this method could be 1~3 times or 1~5 times more than that extracted by water boiling for 10 min or ultrasonic extraction for 1h. The energy coumption in water boiling extraction for 2h was 60 times more than in itantaneous ultrasonic extraction for 10 min. The regression equatio were different in various herbs, and all were obviously affected by granularity. Conclusion Itantaneous ultrasonic extraction is the technique with high efficiency and low energy coumption, it is practicable to be used in extraction of polyphenols in Chinese herbs. Key words: Itantaneous ultrasonic extraction; Polyphenol; Process parameter; Regression model; Energy coumption 提取是中药制药工艺中的首要环节。目前的中药提取均是采用传统的煎煮工艺,一般以水或醇为溶剂,加热回流1~2 h并提取2~3次。这种工艺不仅耗能,而且对热敏性的有效成分造成了较大的破坏。因此有必要对传统热提取工艺进行改革和创新。低温和快速可以减少热敏性成分的破坏。冷提取、超临界萃取可实现冷提取,微波萃取可实现快速提取。但直接冷浸提取率低。超临界提取虽然得率较高,但仍然需要一定温度和压力,且设备投资大[1]。微波萃取的温度高,不宜长时间操作,由于设备限制,对大量提取仍有一定困难[2]。超声提取作为一种低温提取技术,可利用超声波的机械效应、空化效应,加强了细胞内物质的释放、扩散和溶解,加速了有效成分的浸出[3]。但长时间超声也会升高环境温度,对热敏性有效成分



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