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F;ample;ample;摘要:由于莺琼盆地一些井目的层地层压力超过lOOMPa,温度超过170°C,这 对测试作业存在很大的挑战和风险,需要开展高温超压测试风险评估技术研究。 本文从井筒温度压力场、管柱安全性、井筒承载力、水合物预测、工艺流程安 全等方面对高温高压井测试安全控制技术进行研究,建立对应的理论计算模型, 制定了安全防范对策,来进一步降低测试作业施工过程中事故和风险。
Abstract: The challenge and risk of testing is very high in some wells of Yingqiong basin because the pore pressure is more than 100Mpa and bottom hole temperature is more than 170°C. So that it is necessary to do research of risk evaluation technology in HTHP wells. This article did a research in the aspect of borehole temperature and pressure field, safety of string, borehole load capacity, hydrate prediction, safety of technical, etc, and constructed corresponding theoretical calculating model, and made the safety measures to reduce risks and accidents in testing operation.;ample;temperature -pressure in testing the HTHP well. The process of gas-liquid flow in testing string, density and gas-liquid ratio is important with pressure transformation in well, the influence of gas flux is less; gas density ,gas flow ,gas-liquid ratio and temperature grads is important with;?建立了天然气水合物理论预测模型O;3.高温高压测试管柱安全性分析;The model of casing failure in extreme temperature and pressure;The model of casing failure in extreme temperature and pressure;znn丿又;The model of casing failure in extreme temperature and pressure;温度升高引起套管轴向力变化:极端温度情况下,套管轴向热膨胀, 导致轴向压力上升,引起上顶井口。;3.咼血咼压测HA,,;■;ample;working system.
(2) 确定了测试期间井底流动压力。/Fix bottom hole flow pressure when HPHT testing.
(3) 确定了合理的测试时间。/Fix proper testing time.
(4) 明确了对于测试压差的控制方法。/Determine method to control testing pressure differential.
(5) 确定了水合物的防范措施。/Fix how to prevent hydrate.
(6) 制定了测试期间的复杂情况及应急预案。/Make emergency;ample;高温高压井测试安全控制因素研究
The restraining factor of HPHT safety testinq;-??;设计对确保测试系统安全有着关键性的影响。而国内目前对高 温高压井测试设计缺乏足够的理论及方法支撑,缺乏成熟的设 计规范;这种状况会导致测试设计存在突出的缺陷而引发安全 事故。;高温高压井测试安全控制因素研究
The restraining factor of HPHT safety testing;地面监控体系不完善厂
Imperfect about monitoring equipment on ground;业过程安全管理经验不足:;高温高压井测试安全控制因素研究
The restr