迁西县二中22学年高中英语 Unit 4 Everyday economics Section Ⅰ .docVIP

迁西县二中22学年高中英语 Unit 4 Everyday economics Section Ⅰ .doc

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Unit 4 Everyday economics Section Ⅰ Starting out Understanding ideas Ⅰ.核心词汇 1.________ n. 额,前额 2.________ adj. 头晕目眩的 3.________ n. 日出(时分);黎明;拂晓 4.________ n. 投入(物) 5.________ n. 障碍,阻碍,妨碍 6.________ n. 阶段,时期 7.________ v. 购买 8.________ n. 奖金;红利 Ⅱ.拓展词汇 1.________ adj.无表情的,木然的→________ adv.茫然地,木然地 2.________ n.女主席;女会长→________ n.主席,董事长 3.________ n.(事物的)潜力,可能性; adj.可能的,潜在的→________ adv.潜在地,可能地 4.________ adj.有创业精神的;有事业心的;有进取心的→________ n.公司,事业,进取心 5.________ n. 制造商;制造公司,制造厂→________ vt. n.生产;制造 6.________ n.(商品的)分销,经销→________ vt.分散(注意力), 使分心 7.________ n.指导,引导→________ vt.带领,引导;n.向导,导游 8.________ n.顾问→________ vt. vi.请教,咨询;商量;vt.查阅;参考 Ⅲ.重点短语 1.____________ 至于 2.________________ 深呼吸 3.________________ 把……变成 4.________________ 一排又一排 5.________________ 以……告终 6.________________ 怀着做某事的希望 7.________________ 开始,出发 8.________________ 梦想,梦见 9.________________ 不仅仅是 10.________________ ……的机会/权利 Ⅳ.重点句型 1.直到她从海外大学毕业回国探望父母后,张悦才意识到这一潜力。 ________ only after graduating from university overseas and returning to visit her parents ________ Zhang realised the potential. 2.他们回望着她,脸上毫无表情,她不知道他们接下来要说什么。 They stared back, ________________ as to what they would say next. 根据课文内容选择正确答案 1.Which is true about Zhang Yue according to the passage? A.She had expected to take up flower business before she ran a company. B.She has dreamed of starting business since childhood. C.She only used her own money to start her business. D.She never thought she would end up growing roses in her hometown. 2.Which words can best describe Zhang Yue? A.Diligent and experienced. B.Passionate and devoted. C.Potential and doubtful. D.Hard-working and careless. 3.Why did Zhang Yue choose to go back to her hometown to grow roses? A.She could have more time to take care of her parents. B.She could employ workers easily at a low cost. C.She wanted to make contributions to her hometown. D.She wanted to enjoy the fresh air in the countryside. 4.Whats Zhang Yues biggest difficulty at the beginning? A



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