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大连理工大学出版社 Section II Situation Writing 情景作文   情景作文(也称情境作文),就是根据具体场合的情形或某种景象或某种境地,运用联想和想象进行写作的一种作文样式。这种作文形式对训练同学们的描写、记叙、抒情能力,特别是想象能力、创新能力,都具有较重要的作用。情景作文,就内容来说,可以是社会生活、自然景观的方方面面,也可以是虚拟的某种场景或故事。 这类题不像议论文,可以大量套用模板语言,学生需要自己组织语言,还要掌握如何通过因果关系、时间顺序、空间顺序等来扩展思维。 例如,2003年6月考目击的一起车祸,要求考生描述车祸经过,中间有对车祸原因的分析;又如 2003 年 9月要求考生写大家如何帮助生病同学,这些内容都要涉及如何按照时间先后顺序写作,如何结合因果逻辑安排情节。 4.2.1 Samples   The once per year’s Teacher’s Day will come soon, which is a quite important day and deserves attention from the whole society. There is no more proper time than this for us students to express our special wishes and respect to all our teachers. So on this special occasion, I want to show my thanks to Miss Zhang, my dearest English teacher.   Now I still remember clearly one lesson on cheating he gave me. It happened at the end of one term, when we were having an English exam. I was copying answers from one of my classmates. Just at the moment, Miss. Zhang came in and found that. It impressed me most that she didn’t criticize me but talked about the importance of honesty.   Every time I remind this, I feel that I should do my best to return her great love. I will study hard and devote myself to the development of our country as she does. In conclusion, the enlightenment she gave me will always encourage me in my whole life. 描述背景段: 交代事件背景要要 要教师 节很快到了, 在这个整个社会都关注的特殊的日子, 想要感谢英语老师要要 要张老师。 描述事件段: 引出具体事件要要 要她给我上了一堂有关舞弊的课。“我”期末英语考试作弊,被她发现,她不仅没批评“我”,还给“我”讲做人要诚实的道理。 条理清楚,细节描写恰到好处。 总结观点段:由此事引发的感受,具体 阐明“我”将来要采取的行动。 Sample 1 4.2.1 Samples   My name is Li Hong. I’m studying at a college. Last night I witnessed a terrible fire, which is still vivid in my mind.   It happened last night when I was walking towards the bank near our college. Suddenly I heard screams and saw some people running hurriedly out of the bookstore opposite the bank. Almost at the same time, thick smoke was coming from the building. I realized it was a big fire.   I went up and found that fire trucks had arrived and the firemen were tryin


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