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天津大学仁爱学院2015届本科生毕业论文 A Brief Analysis of Nintendos Marketing Strategy in The Global Market Abstract Nintendo is the worlds number one gaming machine company. In 1996, it ranked 294th among the 50 most valuable companies in the world. Nintendo, with only 850 people, has beaten a super company like Toyota to become the number one company in Japan, and has created a myth that each employee earns a net profit of $1.5 million. Nintendos game consoles sold 31.7 million units in 1991, entering more than one-third of American families; the ace game Super Marley series is popular in 150 countries around the world, and sold nearly 70 million boxes in 1991, with 1.2 billion. Super Mario fans; Tetris sold 32 million boxes in 1992 alone. As the background of the game, the Red Square Cathedral in Moscow is called Russian Tower by children all over the world. As a background music, Chaikov The works of Skevin became the song of Nintendo; the game kid sold more than 40 million units in 1996. US President George W. Bush once held the game boy to attend the military conference. The former Soviet astronauts once took the game boy to invite space. In 1995, 30% of Japans semiconductor production was used in Nintendo products. In 1996, Nintendo had a turnover of 3.276 billion US dollars, a profit of 554 million US dollars, and a market value of 10.432 billion US dollars. Now every five seconds in the world, there is a box of Nintendo new game cards sold. Keywords: marketing strategy; Nintendo; market situation Outline 14684 I. the relevant theoryTOC \o 1-3 \h \u 18550 A. Development of strategic management theory 26071 B. Development of domestic strategic management theory 24726 II. Nintendo product innovation 7912 A. Breakthrough and Innovation of Product Category and attribute 8882 B . Innovation in product features and gamer experienc 15298 C . Good service makes the product more valuable 8503 Ⅲ. Development measures of Game Source 17691 Ⅳ. Research on Operation Strategy 2


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